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When is it better to learn a foreign language?


ForumDaily Woman

Many people would like to learn spoken English today, if not everyone. Why, then, for so many people who have been learning a language for years, the task of the “open your mouth and start talking” series seems so impossible? Why, if there are so many sites, methods, language schools and intensive courses, we are still afraid to communicate in English?

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Dr. Pimsleur was a psychologist who developed “language lessons”, thereby establishing the most productive method of learning a foreign language. He died in 1976, but the lessons using his system (including some original recordings) remain one of the most popular language technologies in the world.

Why is it hard for us to start learning a language?

Myth #1. What will people say about me?

People who consider something impossible should not interfere with people who make it possible. In order for you and an adult to make a decision on their own. It is not always worth listening to loved ones and go with the flow. Explain to your family that knowing English will allow you to earn more, will make you feel like a different person. Everything is possible while you want it!

Myth # 2. I will be the oldest / oldest on the courses.

So often people in the age of 25-30 are thinking. Such thoughts often arise among those who have to start learning English from the first step. If you are embarrassed by comparing with other students, we recommend learning English with a personal teacher.

Myth #3. I have no inclination for languages.

There are no people unable to learn English, there are those who do not want to do this for some reason. For some reason, some people think that a person needs to have a special mindset, have linguistic abilities, be a philologist by education in order to know the language well. Both techies and humanities do an excellent job with learning English.

Myth #4. I work, I do not have time to study.

Each person can give English 3-4 hours a week. I advise you to do time management, on the Internet you can find many articles and books on this topic. You can try a simple method: during the week, write down all the cases in the diary. After seven days, see where the precious minutes flow. You may not use your free time unproductively, and your schedule needs to be improved. Replace useless things with learning English.

Myth #5. Learning is boring.

At the word “learn,” many remember how they fell asleep at lectures at the university. In English classes, students speak topics they are interested in, watch videos, listen to songs, and study fascinating texts. The motto of the modern teacher of English: study in joy, but not in burden.

Why learn another language?

Dr. Pimsleur claims that everyone can learn a foreign language, but for most of us this process requires considerable effort and special conditions. Researchers at the University of Edinburgh, Thomas Bak (ThomasBak) and his colleagues found that those who from early childhood speak more than one language, on 4 a year later, age-related dementia begins. The question was how the study of a foreign language affects the cognitive abilities of a person, even if you start to learn it rather late.

Researchers found out how young people can concentrate on something, ignoring extraneous stimuli and perceiving only the necessary information. Participants in the experiment included speakers of the same language and those who spoke two or more languages. It turned out that those who knew the second language were attentive and had a greater ability to concentrate. The test results showed no connection between the time when a person began to learn a second language and the knowledge of a second language itself. The research results are published in Frontiersin Psychology. Starting to learn a second language, we force the brain to create new neural structures and squeeze them into the existing architecture of nerve circuits. If you remember what difficulties usually have to be overcome by adults in foreign language lessons, it is easy to assume that, if we start, then as soon as possible.

Studies show that our relationships with languages ​​during life are not so straightforward, and there are many advantages in starting to learn a new language in adulthood. Children better perceive the words of others by hearing and distinguish features of new sounds, quickly and easily grasp new words and their pronunciation. Adults are better able to concentrate on the task and have the skills to expand vocabulary. Life experiences (events, learning methods — and even love and friendship) provide us with many advantages over children.

Who is easier?

Scientists from the Center for Neuro-and Cognitive Sciences at Massachusetts Technological University conducted a study that helped determine at what age should begin to actively study any foreign language in order to achieve maximum success in learning. The ideal way to learn two languages ​​from birth is an international family. It is wonderful when one parent is Russian, and the second, for example, an American, speaks with the child in their own language, without making any effort to ensure that the child will immediately know two languages. Lucky also to those who have the opportunity to hire a nanny carrier of a foreign language and ask her to constantly speak it with a newborn.

If you are not a native speaker of a foreign language, all you have to do is learn English (or any other language) with the baby. If your child has already reached the age of 7, you can start learning English at any time. Moreover, if at an early age you could resort to the help of a tutor or teachers of English in a language school only occasionally, then from the age of seven you can enroll your child in full-fledged English language courses.

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  1. Good motivation.

An adult understands why and what he wants. You do not need to persuade to do homework, to explain why to learn English, how it will help you in life, you already know everything. It is unlikely that a bad mood or rain outside the window will make you not come to the lesson. Motivated students always succeed in learning English.

  1. Self discipline.

In his youth, it is difficult to sit at the desk and make him listen, because of this, gaps in knowledge arise. An adult no one distracts, in class you are engaged in English, not foreign affairs. You easily concentrate on studying, you can plan your time, you understand the need for independent work.

  1. Ability to learn.

Opinion that the language is easy to give in the age of 13-15 years, is wrong. Scientists have found that with age a person begins to form neurons that are responsible for the highest level linguistic abilities. That is, it is easier for you to compile information, establish semantic links, and understand grammar. In addition, adults in the learning process work long-term memory, and short-term in children. Your knowledge is well absorbed and permanently fixed.

  1. Work on bugs.

Children are not particularly upset by a strong accent or grammatical errors, they rarely work on correcting them. Adults treat this responsibly, they endeavor to write and speak competently with enviable zeal. But everyone makes mistakes, nothing terrible about it, the main thing is to correct all the shortcomings in time.

  1. Good analytical skills, life experience.

You know how to analyze information, know your strengths and weaknesses. Life experience allows you to articulate the requirements for the teacher and the learning process.

  1. Financial opportunities.

You can study at the best language courses or with a personal English teacher. You are not limited to the school curriculum, old textbooks, or the financial resources of your parents. Every year, the English language is becoming more accessible both by teaching methods and by price.

  1. Understanding of own forces and capabilities.

In adulthood, you already know everything about yourself, you understand what kind of work is right for you, you can tell the teacher exactly what you want to receive as a result of training.

What happens when a family moves abroad?

As a rule, children learn a new language much faster than their parents. Maybe this is because they constantly hear it at school, whereas their parents do not have to communicate so much. In addition, children have a stronger need to master a language that plays a decisive role for their survival in society - quick and competent speech is necessary for friendship, adoption of a child by a collective, for adaptation to new circumstances. While parents more often have the opportunity to communicate with people who speak their language, for example, with fellow immigrants.

“When moving to another country, children learn the language as quickly as possible because they need it more for living”

  • Try to manage your time, then you will have free hours not only for studying the language, but also for recreation, sports, and self-improvement.
  • Independent study of English "from scratch" is undesirable. Find a mentor, he will help draw up a training program according to your inclinations, preferences and rhythm of life.
  • Use different methods in training.
  • Do not be afraid to make mistakes. Even the indigenous people of America and the UK do not always speak and write correctly.
  • The main secret of success is to love what you do. Learn to enjoy English classes.

Learning English in adulthood is effective. This is a chance to feel like an energetic student again, practice your memory and get vivid impressions.

Your consultant in the world of psychology Dr.Liza

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