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Coughing is optional: which increases the risk of COVID-19 infection during communication


Source: Yellmed

It has been found that casual conversation, especially in a poorly ventilated area, increases the likelihood of transmission of coronavirus more than coughing. Yellmed.

Photo: Shutterstock

Under these conditions, the SARS-CoV-2 virus spreads over two meters in just a few seconds. This is evidenced by a study conducted by experts from the UK, writes LiveScience.

Using computer simulations, experts found out how COVID-19 behaves in rooms, depending on their size, the number of people, and the conditions for observing security measures. Scientists have found that a prolonged conversation between two people without masks is more likely to spread the infection than a short-term cough.

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The fact is that small aerosol particles are formed during a conversation, which can "hang" in the air for a long time in a room without proper ventilation. And when you cough, larger drops are released, quickly settling on the floor.

For comparison: after coughing, the number of viral particles in the air decreases after 1-7 minutes, and after a half-minute conversation, the concentration of suspended particles decreases to a similar level only after half an hour.

Ventilation is critical to minimizing contamination risks in confined spaces, the researchers said.

It has been proven that in a frequently ventilated room - 10 times per hour - the likelihood of contracting coronavirus is reduced by a third, even upon contact with an infected person.

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