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Calories in minus: 10 products that destroy fat. LIST


ForumDaily Woman

Negative calorie - one of the nutritional myths, implying that a particular product contains less calories than the body requires for its absorption. So, you can eat a lot - and lose weight. Is it really?


It sounds tempting - I ate a bunch of celery, and I burned half a cake, which this celery had eaten. But it's not that simple. Negative calorie, rather, implies a low calorie content in the product, which is completely spent on the energy needs of the body, without laying aside on the sides. The high water content also accelerates the process of losing weight.

Fat burning occurs by reducing the calorie intake, provided that most of the daily menu will consist of healthy and healthy food.

Three “not” foods with negative calories:

  1. Do not fill with fatty sauces - they nullify all the benefits.
  2. Do not eat a little sugar with high-calorie foods - there’s no point in such a diet.
  3. Do not expect that the product itself will help to become slimmer - it is important to change the entire diet.

What will we eat and drink?


Celery - A valuable product containing a lot of vitamins and trace elements. It is better to use the leaves and stems. 12 kcal on 100
cucumbers - consist of water by more than 90%, therefore, if you like, you can eat them in industrial quantities and not recover. 15 kcal on 100
Sea kale - A plant with a high content of iodine, which is absorbed from this product is much better than from tablets. Fresh 5 kcal on 100
Spinach - Another champion in the content of vitamins and minerals, which are stored in processed form. 23 kcal on 100
Asparagus - A tasty and healthy product that contains 9 essential vitamins and 7 trace elements. 20 kcal on 100
grapefruit - A bitter-sweet fruit containing substances that break down fats. 29 kcal on 100
Ginger - an excellent additive to a variety of dishes and drinks, enhances heat transfer, which helps to lose weight. 80 kcal on 100 g, is used in minimal quantities.
Broccoli - cabbage, known antioxidant properties, useful side dish, additive to soups and salads. 28 kcal on 100
Zukkini - a source of potassium, calcium, phosphorus and vitamins, tasty and non-nutritive vegetable. 16 kcal on 100
Green tea - the leader of anti-calorie. 3-5 kcal per 100 ml of the finished beverage. Drink without sugar!

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