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What food is better not to buy at airports



Few people like to eat at airports, but before a long flight or during docking it is better to have a snack. Examine the list of dishes that should be avoided when ordering at the air terminals.

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1. Fresh produce and salads

This may seem illogical, but fresh fruits and vegetables have a greater risk of transferring bacteria that can cause disease, says No one knows how long the products were transported. It is possible that an iceberg lettuce for a substantial price will be deprived of nutrients.

2. Meat with blood

Not all restaurants can fry meat at the right temperature. This may affect the quality of the product. It is better to abandon the meat with blood in favor of the meat of medium rare or choose hamburgers.

3. Food in restaurants where the staff is not in a hurry

Often, food in canteens is produced in large volumes and waits for its distribution in heated pans. The same thing can happen in restaurants with pizza, pasta and other dishes. If in the chosen institution the staff is not busy with active preparation and distribution of dishes, then this is a bad sign.

4. Short catering on board

Hours-long flights to distant islands, as a rule, provide high-quality dishes. However, you should be careful with the flights, which provide food for the money. Often it is brought on board frozen. Food can be spoiled during the flight. To avoid this, buy something to eat at the nearest grocery store. So you will save money, and you will be full.

5. Food in the express cafe

In many express cafes, food is prepared in advance, so some dishes can lie down. If you see that the sandwich was not cooked today, it is better to abandon it.

What is better to order?

The airport is not a place for culinary delights, so it is better to choose simple dishes that can not be spoiled, for example: french fries, melted cheese toast or egg dishes.

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