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What business is most often given to mistresses


Source: GoRabbit

The more money in your pocket, the easier it is to choose a unique gift for your loved one. You can buy perfume here. But a good gift should be “long-playing” and useful. Then you can, for example, order a folding camp spoon on Aliexpress. And if there is a lot of money, you can donate a business, writes GoRabbit.

That is exactly what big businessmen prefer to do in relation to their mistresses. We talk about the businesses that most of the "daddies" give their girls.

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Today travel agency for a peasant, “work at a loss and solid nerves,” says Evgeny Druid, director of the travel agency House of the Sun.

“I have three acquaintances to whom a man opened travel agencies, so long as a woman was busy with something. But not for profit - the market has changed a long time ago and much, - the expert says. “We have a margin of 3%, and if we sell clothes, the margin is 100-200%.”

However, the business of "selling clothes" would turn a hot mistress into a tradeswoman, and a travel agency would be able to fly off for a weekend somewhere far away from the family. 90% of travel agency owners today are women. Earning a lot of money, they manage to stay rich and beautiful, ride around different countries and make men happy with one of their own looks. The secret probably lies in a special attitude to life.

The thesis “travel agency is a cool and profitable business” came from the distant “dashing nineties” and is still widely known. Maybe it is thanks to gang fame travel agency takes 3 place in popularity among the expensive gifts of men to his mistresses. But it’s not enough to fly around tropical islands and to meet every new weekend on a new beach, it is important to feel special, be beautiful, irresistible. It is logical that in the second place in the frequency of donations were Beauty Salons. Most institutions in this business segment are the result of extramarital affairs, the director of the beauty studio is sure Musthave (Perm) Polina Teterina.

"Beauty is a beautiful business, and a rare woman does not use the services of professionals," she notes, and emphasizes that, unlike a travel agency, a beauty salon is a more understandable business, and with a competent manager, it becomes profitable for a woman owner. Every day to use the services of makeup artists, stylists, hairdressers and get money for it - is this not the dream of any free and independent girl?

And if the business for some reason does not go up the hill immediately, then the philanthropist-donator will always be able to provide financial support to his lady’s heart enterprise, Polina Teterina notes.

The undoubted attractiveness of the business, in which the lover will literally be able to plunge into the head, bringing double pleasure in the form of a beautiful image and possible profit, put the beauty salon in second place in popularity.

And in the first place in the 2017 year was pragmatism. If a travel agency is a business for the soul, and a beauty salon is a business for the body, then the first place was taken by a business for quick earnings. This is about children's entertainment centers.

“Indeed, our projects are often acquired in order to donate them to a woman or to give them in trust,” says Alexei Zagumyonnov, manager of the Avira group of companies. - Perhaps this is due to the stereotype that a woman gets along better with children. And perhaps the reason for the rapid payback of large projects. "

Children's entertainment centers can be a game room on 20 "squares" or a whole floor of attractions in a shopping and entertainment center. It is the projects in the shopping and entertainment center that are most profitable: according to Aleksey Zagumyonnov, a project worth 1,5 million rubles can be recouped for 185 work shifts. In addition, as in the case of a beauty salon, because of the clear requirements for the organization of activities, it is easier to find a qualified manager.

Finally, do not forget that mistresses are people too, and they want a better fate for their children.

A business gift is a term for those who oppress a back at an unloved job. Gift-business is a never-ending topic, thanks to which thousands of Russian men live without a headache about suitable gifts, and thousands of women they love are with the status of a successful business woman.

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