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What is the healthiest wine and how to drink it correctly


Source: Health

Not everyone knows that there is a special science in the world that studies wine - oenology. Portal "" figured out which wine is the healthiest.

Photo: Shutterstock

There are many legends about the origin of wine. According to ancient Greek myths, the gods turned the deceased young man Ampel into a vine, and the god of wine Dionysus began to wear it in his wreath in memory of his beloved. According to the Qur'an, the righteous after death will drink heavenly wine and not be drunk.

Wine perfectly quenches thirst in the heat and warms in winter. It also has an incredible amount of flavors and aromas. What could be better than a healthy medicine in the form of wine?

Three levels of alcohol consumption

Where is the line beyond which the therapeutic effect ends and the problems begin? This question is very individual. It all depends on age, gender, weight, health status and other factors.

In the World Health Organization (WHO) Guide of Mental Health in Primary Care, alcohol consumption recommendations are based on several levels of risk.

"Low" alcohol consumption is the "gold standard" that is best adhered to. This way you can avoid side effects: increased blood pressure, stroke and cirrhosis of the liver.

For men, this is 3 servings (30 ml of ethanol) of alcohol per day, 21 servings (210 ml of ethanol) of alcohol per week. For women, this is 2 servings (20 ml ethanol) of alcohol per day, 14 servings (140 ml of ethanol) of alcohol per week. Moreover, 2 days a week should be "non-alcoholic", regardless of gender.

The next level is "average". WHO warns that by reaching it, you increase the risk of certain diseases (liver, cardiovascular). For men, a danger signal appears at the level of alcohol consumption in the range of 3-7 (30-70 ml of ethanol) servings per day or 22-49 servings (220-490 ml of ethanol) per week. For women, 2–5 servings (20–50 ml ethanol) per day or 15–35 servings (150–350 ml ethanol) per week.

A "high" hazard level guarantees serious problems and requires an urgent dose reduction. For men, this is more than 7 servings per day or more than 49 servings per week. For women, more than 5 servings per day (over 70 ml) and over 35 servings per week (over 350 ml).

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Special composition

Fermentation converts most of the sugars in grape juice into alcohol. Therefore, already in red wine the residual sugars (glucose and fructose) are no more than 2-3 g / l. In white wines - up to 20 g / l, but in very sweet wines it can be up to 100 g / l. It is better not to abuse the latter because of the possibility of increasing blood sugar levels.

Wine contains very little fiber, a lot of water (from 73 to 90%) and several types of alcohols (by the way, the older the wine, the less alcohol it contains).

It also contains potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium and phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, manganese. Some especially iron-rich wines are often offered as a source of iron, but remember that if the wine is rich in tannin, then the iron will practically not be absorbed.

Wines also contain vitamins, mainly of group B, but their amount is small. For example, vitamin B3 or PP in a drink is 0,7-0,9 mg / l, while the daily intake for men is 15 mg per day, and for women - 18 mg.

It is especially important that wine contains polyphenols, such as flavonoids. It is to these substances that many of the beneficial properties of the drink are attributed.

Red - from a heart attack

Moderate wine consumption lowers the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Today, several mechanisms are known for the positive effect of wine on the heart and blood vessels. Scientists are inclined to believe that the reason lies in resveratrol, which is found most in dry red wine. Research has shown that wine resveratrol and melatonin protect the heart in an experimental model of myocardial infarction. Also, scientists have found that the substance can enhance aging in "bad" cells during radiation therapy for lung cancer.

White - from thirst

Dry white wine has the lowest sugar content and is best for quenching thirst. The drink has a bactericidal effect, and if you add it to water, you can "disinfect" it.

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Pink - for headaches

This type of drink can be obtained from both white and red grapes. According to the technology, after pressing, the berries are not left in the juice for too long, due to which shades from coral to bright crimson are obtained. Because of this method of cooking, in contrast to red wine, there are no tyramines in rose wine, which can cause severe headaches. There is no diuretic effect after it, as after white wine.

One can talk about the beneficial properties of wine for a long time, but one should not forget about the dangers. The main source of all troubles is ethanol, which, depending on the concentration and amount of alcohol consumed, can lead to koma, depression of the central nervous system, and addiction.

The material is published for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Alcohol abuse is dangerous to your health. ForumDaily Woman is not responsible for the consequences of self-medication and may not share the point of view of the author or expert.

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