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Which milk is the most harmful: what science says


Source: Rambler

Forty years ago, the active use of milk was promoted. It was argued that it is especially useful for children to drink it - otherwise they will not grow up healthy. Recently, more and more often one hears the opposite arguments - about the dangers of milk. Maybe it all depends on what kind of milk we drink?

Photo: Shutterstock

The benefits and harm of milk

Milk is a biologically active product. It contains proteins, fats, glucose, vitamins, and calcium, which is necessary for bones, writes Rambler. But, on the other hand, milk is absorbed by the body worse than other products, because when it enters the stomach, milk protein (casein) sticks together, which makes digestion difficult. In addition, in the body of an adult there is too little lactase, an enzyme that breaks down milk sugar (lactose). This leads to rumbling in the stomach and diarrhea.

Back in 1975, the German gastroenterologist Walter Wögtlin published the Stone Age Diet book. In it, the scientist argued that the high incidence of humanity with cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular and other serious illnesses - this is largely a consequence of drinking milk.

The fact is, the author of the book wrote, that in ancient times people were hunters and ate meat, vegetables, fruits (he called it a paleo diet). Children did not drink milk after weaning from the mother's breast. And only with the development of cattle breeding, milk entered the daily diet of adults. Meanwhile, 15% of Europeans are allergic to milk and dairy products, and in African countries, 90% of the population cannot tolerate milk at all. Apparently, our body is not too adapted to digest the milk of animals.

The findings of the scientist confirmed later studies. So, in 2011, experts from the Karolinga Institute (Sweden), summing up the 13-year observations of 61 000 volunteers, found that those who constantly drank milk were seven times more likely to develop diabetes, oncology and senile dementia.
Now let's talk about what types of milk exist.

New milk

This is the milk that is obtained immediately after milking the animal. For several hours, it retains "live" substances that are beneficial to health. At the same time, fresh milk may contain various bacteria and pathogenic microflora that got there directly from the animal's body. Therefore, such milk must be boiled before consumption.

Whole milk

Whole milk is called, the components of which are in the original ratio. That is, it is not diluted, fat-free, normalized, etc.

Pasteurized milk

During pasteurization, milk is heated, which destroys a certain number of microorganisms. But since some of them still remain, such milk can only be stored in the refrigerator.

Ultra-pasteurized milk

For 2-3 seconds, it is heated to a temperature of 135-150 ° C and immediately cooled to 4-5 ° C. As a result, the harmful microflora is destroyed, and the beneficial vitamins remain. In addition, it can be stored at room temperature for more than 6 weeks.

What is the danger of pasteurized milk

Alas, so that store milk does not spoil for a long time, antibiotics are often added to it. And among them there are those that affect DNA. In addition, the composition of many types of milk includes various kinds of thickeners, preservatives, emulsifiers, synthetic vitamins. In small concentrations, they are usually safe, but if you use the product regularly, these substances accumulate in the body. But that's not all. Pasteurized milk is no longer a source of calcium, as the pasteurization process completely destroys the phosphatase that helps calcium to be absorbed by the body.

A 12-year study by Harvard scientists found that women who drank pasteurized milk frequently had bone fractures more than those who didn't. It also turned out that osteochondrosis is most common in those countries where milk is a popular product.

Numerous studies show that the use of pasteurized milk causes intestinal problems, anemia, allergic reactions, inflammatory processes, celiac disease, decreased immunity, and many other health problems.

In the 40 of the last century, Dr. Francis Pottinger conducted the following experiment. He took two groups of cats. One of them was fed raw meat, raw milk and cod liver oil. The other group was given pasteurized as well as condensed milk.

In animals that ate raw meat and milk, everything remained in order with health. But cats that sat on pasteurized milk suffered from vomiting, diarrhea, various inflammations, some of them developed such ailments as cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular diseases.

Other studies have shown that in children who were given raw milk instead of pasteurized milk, the incidence of scurvy, asthma and tuberculosis decreased. Newborns who received raw mother's milk gained weight faster and were healthier than their peers who received the same milk in pasteurized form.

And experts from the US Department of Agriculture at the Madison State Wisconsin Dairy Feed Research Center concluded that the conjugated linoleic acid, which is found in milk fat in unpasteurized milk, protects the body from malignant tumors, as it is a powerful antioxidant.

Which milk is better to choose

It is best to buy the so-called village milk "from under the cow." It contains the most useful substances. However, it should be taken best from trusted sellers.

If you do not have the opportunity to buy real village milk, then you can take milk in the store. Then it is better to choose UHT.

By the way, if the package is opened, milk can be consumed within 1-2 days. This applies to all types.

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