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What products can not be warmed in the microwave


ForumDaily Woman

Microwave is a very convenient assistant in the kitchen. It allows you to warm up already cooked food quickly, easily and conveniently.

However, according to nutritionists, there is a list of products that can not be put in a microwave to warm up. Reheating can not only spoil the taste of the product, but also make all the nutritional properties useless or even dangerous.

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1. Dairy products
Since most kefirs and yoghurts contain bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which improve digestion - these products cannot be heated in the microwave. Because all microorganisms die during heating. In addition, dairy products can "curl."

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2. Breast milk
Studies have shown that heating breast milk in a microwave is dangerous, since high temperatures can destroy immunostimulating proteins in breast milk and reduce its beneficial properties. And besides, the uneven heating of the liquid is dangerous for the sensitive mouth of an infant.

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3. Frozen products
In contrast to the freezing of products, in which it is important to make this process as fast as possible in order to preserve all the useful properties, the defrosting should occur slowly, otherwise many products will lose their properties. Frozen foods should be thawed gradually, at room temperature.

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4. Eggs
It would not have claimed the article on the Internet - the egg cannot be cooked in the microwave. If you still want to try - be prepared for an explosion. And the fact that you have to wash its effects.
The rapid heat from the microwaves creates a lot of steam inside the egg, which accumulates under the shell and behaves quite unpredictably.

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5. Potato
At high temperatures in the potato starch disintegrates, which threatens the deposition of fat in the body and problems with absorption. It is better to eat cold potatoes.

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6. Broccoli
Broccoli is rich in antioxidants and flavonoids, which are destroyed during any heat treatment, so for broccoli the best option is steam treatment. But the microwave on 97% kills the nutrients of the vegetable.

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7. Mushrooms
Fungi contain a lot of proteins, which after being in the refrigerator and re-heat treated are destroyed. Therefore, mushrooms should be eaten immediately after cooking. Keep this in mind when cooking.

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8. Frozen Fruits
Back in 70, scientists proved that defrosting fruit in a microwave oven leads to the conversion of beneficial glucoside and galactoside into a carcinogenic substance.

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9. Spinach and Celery
Oxalic acid, which is contained in spinach, after warming is deposited in the joints and kidneys. And in the raw celery there is a large amount of fiber and chlorophyll, which are very useful for the body. But as a result of heating at high temperatures, all these valuable properties are lost.

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10. Garlic
In 2001, scientists from the University of Pennsylvania proved that when heated for 60 seconds in a microwave, they can inhibit the ability of garlic to bind carcinogen under natural conditions. In addition, if crushed garlic is placed in a microwave for the same time, it loses all its anti-cancer properties.

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