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What mistakes in beauty procedures threaten big troubles


Source: Joinfo

Not only failed injections of beauty and curvature plastic surgeons can spoil your attractive appearance. Chasing beauty, you can lose this very beauty, and it is very easy to do it, says Joinfo.


Frequent washing
Yes, it is very important to clean the skin correctly, take off cosmetics every day, but if you wash and rub your face too often, you will achieve the opposite effect - dryness, peeling and other troubles. In addition, washing removes the natural protective barrier on the surface of the skin, which leads to acne and blackheads. Do not wash more often three times a day.

Poor handling of tools and accessories
In order for the bacteria to actively proliferate on the skin, it is enough to create a suitable environment for them - and cosmetic accessories and instruments successfully cope with this. They get pathogenic microbes with skin particles. Wash the tools with disinfecting solutions at least twice a week, and do not forget to care for soft accessories (sponges, applicators, etc.).

Touching the face
No matter how thoroughly you wash your hands, getting rid of germs is one hundred percent impossible. In addition, you do not live in sterile conditions, and any touch of any object already “gives” new bacteria to the skin. And with your fingers you transfer them to your face. And if the skin is even slightly weakened, including by an abundance of cosmetic interventions, then it literally gives up without a fight.

Too hard diets
The most healthy weight is normal weight. Both its surplus and its deficiency, contrary to fashion trends, are not considered the norm. Hard diets invariably deprive your skin of nutrients, which will lead to a decrease in its elasticity, dehydration and a general unpleasant and unaesthetic state.

Removing excess hair after bath
Due to the fact that the steamed skin becomes more voluminous and covers part of the hair that rises above its surface, depilation after water procedures simply does not work. Within a couple of hours, you will find a “hedgehog” of unremoved hairs. And it is easier to injure the skin, at the same time destroying its protective antimicrobial barrier.

Expired Cosmetics
Many sincerely believe that cosmetics are not medicines, so there are no problems with using creams or mascara that have expired. Nevertheless, microbes willingly infest and multiply in expired cosmetics. Get rid of these cosmetics regularly and update your supplies.

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