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Which indoor plants are dangerous to keep in the bedroom


Source: Clever

Dozens of types of indoor plants, with which amateur flower growers habitually decorate their bedrooms, are in fact a real hidden threat. According to domestic scientists, many of these representatives of the flora are not only harmful to health, but also can fatally affect a person’s fate.

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"The Rose of the Mediterranean" is poisonous

Candidate of Biological Sciences Svetlana Ostrovskaya says about the harmful effects on the human body oleander, installed in the bedroom, writes Clever. If the oleander in the flowering phase is in the room for a long time, it can lead to headaches at least - its aroma is too strong. Besides, it is dangerous to damage it - the juice of the "Rose of the Mediterranean" is poisonous.

Svetlana Ostrovskaya also does not recommend putting geraniums in bedrooms (she has a strong smell), as well as all plants belonging to the euphorbia family (their juice containing alkaloids is poisonous), all varieties of ivy (this is a poisonous plant, especially fruits).

Sleep next to a fern? Divorce!

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, a famous writer and TV host, who is called the main gardener of Russia, Oktyabrina Alekseevna Ganichkina, argues that one of the most beautiful flowers, orchids, cannot be put in the bedroom, because they can contribute to insomnia because of their bright and insufficient color. "Percentage" of soothing green.

Fern, as O. Ganichkina enlightens, emits a lot of carbon dioxide at night, taking with it a huge amount of oxygen. And you can't even touch it with your hands, it's better not to touch the plant. Fern contributes to the appearance of headaches, the depressed state of a person. Oktyabrina Alekseevna even claims that "if a husband and a wife are sleeping, then [they] may even run up because of this fern."

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Azalea is able to bloom from November to June and emits phytoncides that adversely affect the central nervous system. Because of the azaleas in the bedroom, confirms Ganichkina, family conflicts can also occur, because this flower makes the spouses angry, irritable, intolerant to each other. White azalea, according to Oktyabriny Alekseevny, can be a real cause of divorce. Red azalea - "the husband will run to the other."

If it smells a lot, then do not wait for good

According to the director of the Botanical Garden-Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Pavel Krestov, strongly smelling plants cannot be placed in the bedroom at all due to the fact that they can provoke poor health. The result of finding lilies of the valley, lilac, wild rosemary, rhododendron, lilies and other "extremely aromatic" plants can be nausea and, as an extreme reaction of the body, poisoning.

Pavel Vitalievich explains the reason for this effect on the human body by the presence of syringin in such plants (glucoside, which turns into hydrocyanic acid). Acid accumulates in the air - and its high concentration can cause poisoning.

In addition, he adds P. V. Krestov, strongly smelling plants in the bedroom, one has to be wary of allergic people - the essential oil secreted in such colors contains a number of substances that adversely affect the organism, which is subject to allergic reactions.

In no case, according to Pavel Vitalyevich, plants in the family of the nightshade should not be placed in the bedroom (and indeed anywhere else in the house): their stems, leaves and fruits accumulate poison solanine, capable of destroying red blood cells in the human blood and depressing the central nervous system. After the onset of dyspnea, vomiting, rapid heartbeat, poisoned by “couples” solanine may lose consciousness and even fall into a coma.

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Dieffenbachia, a flower of the aroid family, very popular among flower growers. As scientists have found, it is also dangerous because of the presence in all its parts of toxic alkaloids, cyanide compounds, calcium oxalate (harmful substances that form in the human body stones and sand in the kidneys). When damage dieffenbachia consequences can be very serious - if a person touches this part of the plant, there is a sharp pain.

It is extremely dangerous to take leaves of dieffenbachia in your mouth, which can be done by domestic animals and small children - after this the larynx swells, the victim must be urgently taken to the hospital.

Cacti do not catch, but really besyat

Crosses also debunks the popular myth about the benefits of cacti, which supposedly "catch radiation." In fact, Pavel Vitalyevich proves that cacti are perhaps the most dangerous indoor plants in the house, they not only cannot be placed in the bedroom, but it is also advisable not to keep them in the apartment.

Cactus juice contains over 100 alkaloids, from which the nervous system of both people and pets suffers. Dogs, cats and other animals are becoming overly excitable, they may have convulsions and hallucinations.

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