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What are energy drinks made of?


Source: Huffington Post

Energy drinks. Photo: Depositphotos

The energy industry brings about 9 billions of dollars annually, so it’s obvious that many of us turn to these sweet drinks when we need a boost of energy and energy. But what exactly is in these brilliant banks that inspire us?

Edition Huffington Post decided to sort out this issue.

There are several common ingredients in the most popular energy drinks. Next, you will learn what it is and how they work to encourage you.


We all know what caffeine is. This is the reason why we are so obsessed with coffee, and this is the only reason many of us get out of bed. It is also the main source of energy in many energy drinks.

Bank Red Bull (250 ml) contains 80 mg of caffeine, and NOS Energy Drink - 260 mg, but they reduced caffeine by 100 mg per can to about 160 mg. For comparison, coffee Dunkin Donuts (230 ml) contains about 100 mg of caffeine, and coffee Starbucks - about 160 mg of caffeine. Clinic The mayo Do not recommend drinking more 400 mg of caffeine per day.

What are the major brands using caffeine? Almost everything, especially Red Bull, Monster Energy, Rockstar energy drink и NOS Energy Drink.


Taurine is an organic amino acid found in animal tissues. Scientists have discovered it in bovine bile in the 1820s.

Our body may also contain taurine. You can get it by eating meat and fish. Although taurine is considered a vital component in the development of some organisms, there is no actual evidence that taurine provides energy.

What are the major brands using taurine? Almost everything, especially Red Bull, Monster Energy, Rockstar Energy Drink и NOS Energy Drink.

Guarana. Photo: Depositphotos


Guarana is a plant that grows in the Amazon. Its berries contain more caffeine than coffee. It is the high levels of caffeine that make this tropical berry a natural addition to energy drinks. So when you see guarana in your drinks, consider it "even more caffeine."

What are the major brands using guarana? it Monster Energy and Rockstar Energy Drink.


There are rumors about the potential dangers of glucuronolactone on the Internet, but these are unfounded allegations. Glucuronolactone is actually a natural chemical produced by the body (and found in plants). Although glucuronolactone is a common ingredient in energy drinks, its actual energy effect remains unknown.

What are the major brands using glucuronolactone? it Monster Energy.

Vitamins of group B

Vitamin B is also included in energy drinks. They may be indicated as niacin, folic acid, riboflavin, and cyanocobalamin. B vitamins are usually taken to increase energy levels, but the problem is that if you do not have a vitamin B deficiency, they actually give you little.

What are the major brands that use B vitamins? it Red Bull, Monster Energy и Rockstar Energy Drink.


A naturally occurring amino acid produced by the liver and kidneys really affects the energy level, which is why so many energy drink companies use it. Unfortunately, the amount of L-carnitine found in most energy drinks is not large enough to have any real effect.

What are the major brands using L-carnitine? it Monster Energy, Rockstar Energy Drink и NOS Energy Drink.

The high sugar content of these drinks also plays a role in increasing energy levels, since glucose is the main source of energy for most cells in the body. But be careful, because an excess of sugar is also harmful to the body and body.

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