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How does a student from a very rich family live in New York?


Source: Daily Mail

The blog of a rich 21-year-old girl that she survives in Manhattan for an intern’s salary of 25 dollars an hour has become viral after she told her family that she paid her rent, college tuition, phone bill, and gives her an extra 1100 dollars per month.

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While many interns are trying to make ends meet, especially in such an expensive city like New York, this 21-year-old marketing specialist describes her luxurious life: a party with friends in the Hamptons; $ 210 per month for a luxury gym and other expenses for a beautiful life, writes Daily Mail.

The girl admits that she often misses her work. In one post, she wrote that she “seriously thought about going around her office, asking for work,” because she was “bored.”

But instead, she decided to focus her work on a snack and watch the World Cup game between Croatia and England in the conference room of her office.

On another day, she said that she spent most of her day researching podcasts, “how to live a better life.”

Blog Refinery 29's Money Diaries require young people to describe “how they spend their hard earned money for seven days.” But it seems that spending parents' money is much more fun.

21-year-old author Money Diarist, whose name is not called, said that she herself, in fact, does not pay any of her mandatory expenses; her parents pay 2100 dollars for her apartment in the West Village for her.

She writes that a one-bedroom apartment costs 4 050 dollars per month, but she lives there with another tenant.

Her parents pay for her tuition and telephone, the girl also uses their health insurance plan and even uses their accounts in Netflix, Spotify and Amazon.

She herself pays 9,95 dollars monthly for MoviePass.

She can also spend more than 1000 dollars a month on food and drinks at the expense of her parents and prefers to use the services of Uber and Lyft.

She attends a party on the yacht of her father's friend, where the biggest problem is that champagne quickly ended.

At the same time, the girl finds her own ways of saving: she was greatly upset by her friends, who did not immediately give her money for a joint taxi ride to a party in the Hamptons, и She does not hesitate to sometimes ask for free food in restaurants.

“I invited the waiter to bring us some wine at the house’s expense, and he did it after we had waited 45 minutes for our table,” the girl wrote, adding that she also received a free dessert.

On the blog, she really gave some practical advice on saving money, for example, by suggesting the use of Albert personal finance apps.

She noted that it helps keep track of your expenses, allowing you to find ways to save.

She admitted that she herself managed to save 113 dollars in this way, adding that she spent 55 dollars on coffee last month, which she considers a good indicator and savings.

The girl said that her typical day begins with meditation and toasting with avocados.

After that, she goes to the office, sometimes during lunch the girl meets with her boyfriend, and then returns office.

She admitted that she often had nothing to do at work, so she misses or finds non-work related entertainment.

She said that she almost always leaves the office at 17: 00 and once was shocked when she was detained until 17: 10.

Many readers of the blog criticized the girl, noting that her blog does not teach saving, but only irritates people, because, working much more, they have much less money. Many joked about her posts, and some even suggested that this is a fake and in fact such a girl does not exist, and her blog is a joke.

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