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How to live in a small apartment with a person who has found or suspects a coronavirus


Source: Life hacker

Lifehacker with reference to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Cdc) leads 10 rules that will help not get infected.

Photo: Shutterstock

1. Keep a distance

It is best to isolate the infected person in a separate room. If it is not, try not to get closer to a person closer than 2 meters.

2. Follow hand hygiene

Wash your hands often with soap for at least 20 seconds, or use alcohol-based disinfectants.

3. Ensure airflow

Ventilate the apartment more often, especially common areas. If weather permits, leave the window open.

4. Do not touch your face with your hands.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with your hands. If you do this involuntarily, try to break the habit with our tips:

On the subject: The threat of coronavirus: why it is dangerous to touch the face and how to get rid of this habit

5. Wear masks

The infected person should always be masked if there are other people nearby. In addition, WHO experts recommend wearing masks for those who are in close contact with the patient.

6. Use gloves

In any contact with the infected person, as well as his saliva, sputum and other secretions, wear disposable gloves. After use, they must be discarded. Then sanitize your hands, remove and discard the mask and treat your palms with an antiseptic again or wash them with soap.

7. Do not share dishes and laundry

The patient should have separate cups, plates, cutlery, as well as towels and bedding. After using these items, they should be thoroughly washed or washed.

8. Clean surfaces

Daily clean the countertops, door handles, plumbing, bedside tables and gadgets that the patient is touching with cleaning agents. Also clean surfaces that may have saliva, blood, and other secretions.

On the subject: How many coronavirus lives on surfaces and what means to use for cleaning and disinfection

9. Wash laundry thoroughly.

Immediately remove and wash soiled clothing and bedding. When removing dirt, wear gloves and keep your hands away from your body. Wash them immediately after removing gloves. Use ordinary washing powder and dry at the maximum temperature.

10. Dispose of contaminated items.

Place used disposable masks, gloves, and other contaminated items in a separate container, and then dispose of with household waste. After contact with these things, immediately treat your hands with an antiseptic or wash them with soap.

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