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How women learn about cheating husbands: 6 true stories


Source: Rambler

Secret always becomes clear. It would seem that this truism must be learned in school and stop deceiving, especially those dear to people.

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Some men naively believe that the wife will never find out about their treason if they remove the compromising messages from the phone’s memory and all available social networks in time, not chatting with friends and behave cautiously, writes Rambler. But women are not as simple as it may seem to the representatives of the stronger sex, and are able to calculate the traitors in the details. How insightful ladies' intuition works - watch and learn!

1 history. Libra

There are those who remember the weight of the person who got on them last. My wife saw an unexpected figure, and my husband had to admit to treason.

2 history. Sea bass

The husband decided to go fishing on one of the Siberian rivers, and then brought his wife a catch - beautiful seabass, which can be caught only in the sea, such fish is not found in fresh waters.

3 history. A vacuum cleaner

A perfectly working vacuum cleaner suddenly stops pulling. Turn the brush over - and there is a ball of hair that is not your color.

4 history. Fresh linens
Husband for the return of his wife from the cottage rewrote bed linen, which he had never done before and never paid any attention to his freshness.

5 history. Things are not in place

When a man wants to impress his mistress that he actually lives alone, he removes from a prominent place a second toothbrush, slippers and other details that indicate the presence of a woman in his apartment. There will be even fewer doubts if an extra towel is also found in the laundry basket.

6 history. Wool beloved cat

The family had a child with allergies, and the cat had to be given, as the husband said, to the monastery. Time passed, and his wife, collecting clothes in the laundry, noticed on the socks of her husband's well-known wool. Cat took the lover of her husband.

What factors can clearly hint at the fact of male treason, tells

  1. Close communication with another woman. If your husband has a colleague, an old college friend or school friend, with whom he regularly spends time - this is a reason to start worrying. A husband may respond with certain phrases that will not leave you any reason for jealousy: for example, “she is like a sister to me”.
  2. Regular late home after work. If a husband often lingers at work, very often began to go fishing with his friends or go to the bathhouse - this could be another alarming signal for his wife. It is possible, under most of these delays and trips to the bath lies an ordinary visit to the mistress.
  3. Cooling husband to you. Sex has become much less regular under the pretext of fatigue? In his spare time, the spouse prefers to be alone, at a computer, newspaper or TV, preferably without you as a distraction? It may well be that his thirst for intercourse is already quenched by another woman.
  4. The obvious signs of treason - SMS messages from female numbersregular calls to which your husband answers you crumpled and unintelligible. The smell of perfume, women's hair on clothes, scratched back - can also be a cause for jealousy.

However, all these factors may or may not be evidence of treason. It is possible that you demand from your spouse to pay you too much attention. Or do not leave him space on the personal space. It is quite possible that with absences from home, delays at work and time spent with friends, he just wants to disengage from everyday problems and your society, which is too burdensome for him. It is worth thinking about it.

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