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How I started running to fasten my jeans


Many make a promise to themselves in the new year to start a new life - to lose extra pounds, start going to the gym or running. If you are among them, then my story may be useful.


After a couple of months after the third birth, my well-worn jeans with wide-open trousers took up a defensive position at the widest point of the hips.

I desperately disliked the idea of ​​going to the gym with traffic jams because of the prospect. I wanted more time to be with the baby, and wasting time on the road was not part of my plans. And there was a plan to defeat pre-pregnant jeans. And as a result of an agonizing internal conflict between motherhood and the desire to fit into jeans of an inconceivable size 26, which personify for me belonging to the kind of "thin and ringing girl", I made a cardinal decision - to start running. I left the threshold and run.

But then I remembered that I do not like to run. From where

With physical education lessons in 8-grade. When you are already a girl, and you are all so awkward and burgundy, either from the load, or from the feeling “like a fool”, you run the 8 circle of hell, it’s a stadium, and you prick somewhere in the right side.

From there, by the way, my belief is that I have no endurance, and running is not mine.

But the prospect of a stabbing side does not match the silent reproach of pre-pregnant jeans - there is still a plan to start running.

You just need to wear sweatshirts, sneakers and get out the door. "And tricky interesting to get me?".

In the matter of pulling on sweatpants, I somehow showed prudence and updated the sports wardrobe. Still, an adult woman (then still 37 years old) running down the street with her pants down, firstly, is not comme il faut, and secondly, it is inconvenient.

Ok, I have a uniform, I have sneakers, I have thirty minutes before the next feeding - what is it? All I have? It remains to go out the door.

Well, here comes the trouble, from where they did not expect. I'm all so determined, and here bam, imperfect weather conditions - rain, snow (choose yours). And in the rain, hardly normal people run - it's wet / cold. But jeans, their mother!

On that run, I remembered physical education lessons from more than 20 years ago - it was just as hard for me. And I felt like a fool. With only one difference - at the age of 14 I was terribly worried about this, and at 37 I was completely indifferent.

On that day, two important insights happened:

The first one - 10 minutes after you ran or walked, and the resistance forces surrendered, realizing that your intention is serious, you completely don’t care about the weather and other life circumstances that seemed to be a serious obstacle before.

And second, there is a significant difference between running in 8th grade and running in adulthood. During the run I managed to change my mind about what to cook for dinner, what lessons to do with the child, and I still have time to think about myself and ... about nothing.

This fleeting “about itself and about anything” turned out to be an incentive, able to compete with the modern jeans.

With each run, moments when a bunch of things from chaos were displayed on the shelves and files in my head, and there was still time for myself and inner silence, were collected in the treasury of precious moments.

And after a couple of months, something happened for which, in spite of everything - pre-pregnant jeans, creaking with their fly, reached their destination. But that's not the point! The main thing is that the focus of attention went beyond your own ass, and this turned out to be a much better basis for a long and happy healthy life. And also, for the first time in my life, running shoes went on vacation with me.

How to start running in the new year, if you have already started a year without results, I will tell you next time.


Polina Maksimova, a running psychologist and a bodybuilder.

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