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How I was the perfect woman for two weeks: personal experience


Source: Victoria Razumova, "Observer"

So much is said about ideal women, and how many benefits are written on this topic, which is even surprising, why have all women on the planet still not become such? I decided to rectify the situation and for some time take advantage of tips on how to become an ideal woman. But first we had to remember the basic recommendations.


She always looks great

I will have no problems with this item. But for the purity of the experiment, I went to the salon. Habitual haircut, coloring, hair removal, manicure and pedicure, eyebrow correction and a couple more procedures. On average, beauty salons take about 10 thousand rubles per month. You can use the services cheaper or more expensive if you really want. But my goal is to become an ideal, not a devastated woman. So 10 thousand is quite enough. I was also lucky with clothes: in my wardrobe I have a lot of feminine dress and heels that men in women like so much. So there was no need to spend money.

Mila, modest, calm

And still not whining and not rude. With this all the more difficult. If I can still be sweet and modest, then calm and not rude ... My explosive and rather bitchy character is desperately contradictory. But what to do ... Against stereotypes and the system you can only go right through ... For the sake of the experiment, it will be time to break your usual way of life. And do not whine. At all. Even traffic jams can not say anything.

She is smart, with a sense of humor and knows how to keep up the conversation

Simply put: swimmer, singer, and dude igrets. Quite strange recommendations for the perfect woman. In theory, here it is necessary to confine one phrase: a woman must be silent. And sometimes chuckle and laugh. That's all.

And the presence of the mind of women for some men is a real problem. Therefore, the second point is right there: the ideal woman should adapt to the situation. It is according to this scheme that I will conduct an experiment.

She is a wonderful hostess and cooks great.

Let's be honest. If a woman is smart, then she most likely spends her days and nights at work. She has practically no power to farm. I prepared myself and him breakfast - already well. But the harsh reality of the benefits of ideality hints at another characteristic of the woman-dream. She has to do everything. And while looking great (do not forget the first item). Well, I'll screw up the first time, since the status of an ideal woman stands at stake.

She does not nag, can not stand the brain, is not jealous ...

... here you can continue this list of unloved feminine traits. Every man at least once in his life is experiencing this or that item. But the ideal woman does not do anything. She just loves a man for what he is. And in bed, by the way, she is a goddess. And fulfills all his whims and desires.


She constantly surprises

There are a huge number of options for how to do this, but they all come down either to bed, or to cooking, or to gifts. That is, there will be no discovery of America here, so you can proceed.

How it was

The first days I did not understand how to live this way. Standing in traffic jams or jostling in the subway, I held back involuntarily escaping foul language. If an unknown type came up to me, with whom I was obviously not going to get acquainted, I also forgot all the norms and propriety, and there was not a trace of the ideal woman at such moments.

But I held on. With difficulty smiling, she said a firm "no" to all the proposals of my mother's future son-in-law, and about the crowd of people on the roads and in transport she preferred to just keep silent and not keep up the conversation on this topic. With my colleagues, I was sweet and friendly, as required by the rules of the woman of dreams. I diligently kept myself in hand when my man tried to unbalance me. I smiled, kept silent, did not react to provocations and annoying factors, or simply went to another room.

After a couple of days I even got a taste. It is much easier to live when you do not react to problems and abstract from idiots around. I was starting to like it. Now my ideal day for an ideal woman began with the fact that I was preparing breakfast and lunch for a man, then we went to work together, during the lunch break I ran cooking classes to become even more perfect in the kitchen, in the evening we had a great time in bed and I was thinking about signing up for a refresher course on sex.

After 6 days, the people around me and my man began to notice that something was wrong with me. And they even asked if I was ill? The man was quietly happy that he no longer heard from me any reproaches that infuriated him immensely. I also wondered why I decided to meet those of his friends whom I hadn’t met yet.

And the thing is this. When people know you for a long time, it is difficult to deceive them. They have already managed to study all the positive and negative aspects of your character, so that the updated you, and in my case the ideal woman, will cause them more bewilderment than delight. But in the new company, the results of my reincarnation were more revealing.

Everything was perfect. After all, the ideal woman can not be otherwise. I communicated, laughed in time, was silent when it was necessary, looked admiringly at my man, was modest and down the list. My partner later said that his friends were delighted with me and noticed that he was very lucky with me. Naive.

On the eleventh day I got tired of it. I was bored. Every day to be in a great mood and behave according to all the canons of ideality is very tiring. Life becomes so sweet and uninteresting that you no longer know what to do with yourself tomorrow. You can no longer throw out something daring, you're perfect. So stay with it. How painfully boring.

Plus, I clearly realized that I was tired of running like a squirrel in a wheel, trying to do everything during the day. In reality, it was terribly difficult for me to get up at six in the morning, go to bed for an hour or two at night, and during the day work, cook, clean, smile, communicate, have sex, take courses, look perfect ...


Forces ended very quickly. Plus, I noticed that the metamorphosis with my character began to negatively affect my work. Not understanding my dramatic changes, but by accepting them, my colleagues decided that you could hang extra work on me. I'm cute, I will not refuse. At home, a man was waiting for me, who in the course of those days got a taste and now, it seems, he was going to finally sit on my neck and dangle his legs.

But I held on. Ideal women do not show their character. They continue to smile nicely and be fluffy cats.

I lasted another 3 days and gave up. I started saying no again and rudely responding to those who brazenly tried to use me or invade my personal space.

I stopped attending courses because after them I had no energy left to work. I stopped indulging all the desires of a man and reminded me that in our relationship I am a woman. I never got up at 6 a.m. or stayed up late anymore just to make a five-course breakfast and dinner and lick my apartment to a shine.

I became myself again. Imperfect, but alive, and not a porcelain doll, which allows you to play with yourself, while playing a certain role.

To be perfect is hard, expensive, exhausting work that is difficult to fit into ordinary working life. We are all living people - we make mistakes, we break down, we are not always in a good mood, we do not always have time for everything, and sometimes we quarrel with our loved ones.

There is no drama in it. That's life. And in this variety of its beauty. These are the laws of physics: there is no minus without a plus, and vice versa.

So the experiment on ideality was a success: now I know for sure what I don’t want to be. I want to feel life in all its aspects. This is the ideal for me personally. Yes, and in principle, each person has his own concept of an ideal. And everything else - just imposed stereotypes.

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