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How to lose weight without giving up your favorite foods: useful tips



Gone are the days when proper nutrition was synonymous with unleavened buckwheat with boiled chicken. Don't like buckwheat - don't eat it. And you shouldn't gag on chicken breast, says

Photo: Shutterstock

The main thing is not the product, but the portion

You can lose weight on any cereal, even on pasta, despite the general misconception that pasta leads to weight gain. It's not about food, it's about portions. We also forget that bread must be removed from the diet. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule: for some people a specific product is simply not suitable, and the body may feel uncomfortable while digesting it, hence the myths about the universal harm of gluten are born.


It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to eat the terribly useful broccoli at all - you don’t need to force yourself into something that you don’t like (perhaps the body has its own reasons for refusal, and this product is not really suitable for you). Better to look for new items in your menu, and suddenly there is another favorite dish - until you try it, you don't know, right? For example, eat bulgur instead of rice. For a change, you can cook once a week more outlandish cereals - couscous or its African brother, the fonio cereal, which few people have tried yet.

Look for new sources of protein

Not everyone likes chicken (for various reasons) and that's okay. Substitute fish or beef for chicken and eat more protein omelets or low fat cottage cheese. Create protein masterpieces - cutlets from peas, beans and other plant foods will make you look at the diet in a new way. In case you're not already in the know, beans are an easily digestible protein and a great alternative to meat. Red beans contain up to 25% protein and are absorbed 70-80% faster than meat.

On the subject: Add fire: seven seasonings to help you lose weight

Don't make yourself up for inhibitions

The more you prohibit, the greater the risk of breaking loose and absorbing all the "wrong" foods. When everything is allowed, then you don't want to gobble up too much. An exception is the list of allergens or ingredients that you personally cannot tolerate.

There is another serious problem of losing weight - uncontrolled nutrition. This is the story of how food disappears when the brain seems to be disconnected. This issue cannot be resolved quickly. But you can start by keeping a diary in which you will note incidents of binge eating. In no case do you blame yourself for the breakdowns, just note what exactly pushes you to eat when, in fact, you do not want to eat: a conversation with your mom, a nervous atmosphere at work, or a cheerful company in which everyone eats and drinks (and since everyone is doing this, why not support them?) Analyze these situations and try to keep track of what and when you eat.

Don't forget vegetables

Chop yourself a whole bowl of cucumber and greens salad for the day, add lettuce or Chinese cabbage, toss in the tomato and season with olive oil. This salad will fill your stomach so you won't feel hungry between meals.

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