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How to marry an American, or girls is dedicated


Source: EmigrantVideo.US

Most girls from the former post-Soviet space dream of marrying a foreigner. Well, why not: here you have foreign citizenship, a better life in prosperity, and a favorable country, etc. And it seems like there is nothing wrong with this if it were not a problem for the girls themselves.

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You see, our beauties are so accustomed that we are the most beautiful, the sexiest, the most loving and just the very best of all the women of our sex in the world. And if beautiful (and she is necessarily beautiful, especially in comparison with American or European women), stylishly and sexually dressed, with a higher education and speaks English at least a little, then she is sure to ensure success among Europeans or Americans. After all, they are something from such beauty can not pass by! They will surely seize him, give him a million roses, a car and diamonds, take them to expensive restaurants for dates, take them to the islands several times and - surely - will get married! That's just when I arrived abroad, our girls have no idea, why Americans are not in a hurry to build a serious relationship with them, if at all - marry others. And our beauties continue to wander through nightclubs, live in crowded apartments, which promoters take off for them, and can’t stand out of relations with Americans except a broken heart and unrealized expectations. So what's the deal? Let's figure it out.

But the thing is that in most cases our beauties look at foreign suitors as an “object”, and not as a person with whom they want to share old age. A foreign man is a tool for a better life. Our girls are betting on their beauty and sexuality so that the prince appears on a white horse and rescues her from a bad life and - IMPORTANT! - all her FAMILY, and took everyone to live across the ocean. While the American is looking for a PARTNER and well, he doesn’t want to be used for any purpose. Add - they shy away at the mere mention or the possibility of "being used." That's the whole difference.

You can argue with me, your right, and I respect him. And I agree that there are cases when a young and beautiful girl from Ukraine or Russia married a wealthy American who rolls her around the world, and now and then she posts beautiful pictures on Instagram about how wonderful life is! Just ask her if she is happy, if she has a right to vote in such a relationship, and whether it looks like a cold-blooded exchange: you give me gifts and travel, I give you my beauty and youth. For some, this is the ultimate dream, and for someone it is sexual slavery. But the main thing is that both parties are satisfied, right?

There are also such cases:

- You count up, he finally can not generous! Well, where to find the generous, eh?
- I flew to Paris for the weekend, he paid for everything estesna, you chee!
- Gave me a car, I wanted a white Mers white, bliine a goon finally, I will throw it! The current after the holidays, so that gifts first presented.

Of course, I exaggerate, but you understand the meaning.

- What are you, half of the expenses you pay for an apartment ?! Why doesn't he pay for everything ?! - and this is already I personally heard in my address.

Now, before I get a mountain of angry comments, I want to say that I am not a woman-hater or sexist. My considerations are connected exclusively with my observations of these few years as I live abroad. In my environment, such people and situations practically do not arise, but still, willy-nilly, living here, you notice all this.

So how to be our good and beautiful?

Stop living on hold!

Build your life. Develop yourself, learn, read, travel, learn foreign languages. Drive through exchange programs. Get foreign experience. Build a career. Set your priorities correctly. Do not live with claims to the world, understand that no one owes you anything. You are responsible for yourself. You are able to create and get up. And your man will appear at the moment when you are ready for this. Two independent individuals are more likely to build happy and healthy relationships than if one is dependent on the other. Be prepared for the fact that abroad will have to work hard to at least achieve something. Here they love laborers as much as we do. And here good work is always well paid.

In a relationship, be open and honest. If you have the intention to use your chosen one to get a US passport or other benefits, then sooner or later it will all end in tears. It’s just the world. I myself have often eaten a fly in the ointment: you meet a person and you think that everything is going well and you have a lot in common and well together, and then they say in your face that, they say, since I am from Ukraine, we have no future. Know that yours will not leave you. Looking back, I understand that I am grateful for all the lessons that life has taught me. After all, I would not have met someone who does not reject me because of my nationality, but would love me for what we feel when we are together.

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