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How to get married in America on a tourist visa


Today I will tell how, being in New York on a tourist visa, to get an American marriage certificate.


At the moment when my future spouse and I decided to sign, we were both in New York. Therefore, go to Marriage Bureau (local registry office) was easier than flying to Russia for paperwork. In Manhattan, it is located at: 141 Worth Street, New York, NY 10013.

Marriage registration takes place in two stages:

1. Applying for and obtaining a license:
✔ to save time, you can start filling out information online;
✔ when signing the application with the secretary, both future spouses must be present;
✔ cost $ 35;
✔ from the moment of obtaining the license and before the ceremony 24 hours must pass;
✔ license is valid for 60 days;
✔ A license obtained in New York should only be used in this state.

The last point means that if you received a license in New York, and you want to organize a certificate and ceremony, for example, in Hawaii, in Miami or in California, then this will not work. Read the laws of each state carefully.

2. Wedding ceremony and marriage certificate:
✔ through 24 hours after receiving a license, you can come to the ceremony;
✔ cost $ 25;
✔ future spouses should have with them the same documents as the first time;
✔ at least one witness older than 18 must be present with them;
Бра you get a marriage certificate at the end of the wedding ceremony, which takes 5-7 minutes.

В Marriage Bureau everything happens in the order of a live queue, came, took the number, waiting for you to be invited to the window to submit an application or in a separate room for the ceremony.

Of the required documents listed on the site, you need a passport and a social security number. I only had a passport with a tourist visa.

In order for this certificate to be considered valid in Russia and you had the opportunity to put a stamp in your internal passport, you need to get an apostille, stamp, translate into Russian and notarize the translation.

PS With 2011, gay marriage is legal in New York.

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