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How does the lunchbox from the perfect mom


Source: The Daily Mail

Would you cook it every day? Nutritionist Susie Burrell shared with the publication The Daily Mail version of the ideal school lunchbox and reveals a 5-step formula that parents should follow.

Photo: Shutterstock

Susie is convinced that even a busy parent can prepare a balanced lunch for their child without killing herself in the kitchen. The nutritionist described what she puts in her son's lunch box: a bag of whole grain cookies (80 calories), a small jar of grapes, five strawberries, a container of chopped sweet peppers and celery, a pita roll cut into two parts, and four meatballs from turkeys.

The Barrell formula looks like this: whole grain pita bread or sandwich, salad, vegetables, protein product and drinking water.

Concerning pita bread or tortillas For wrapping, Suzy recommends using whole grain variations.

“Also try to include protein rich filling: ham, tuna, chicken breast or egg, because protein helps to keep you satiated throughout the day. ”

Fruit better to choose fresh. Dried fruits, juice, chopsticks with sugar - no more than 100 calories per serving.

Dairy produce - also a good choice, let it be milk, cheese or yogurt. Water must always accompany lunch.

As for packaged by the manufacturer "Harmfulness" (snacks, chips, cheese sticks, etc.), it is undesirable to exceed one serving per day.

“Given that growing children consume up to 30% of their diet while in school, it's important to pack healthy lunches daily,” says the nutritionist.

Suzy's advice: limit your child's choice to one or two main products per day. So you will get rid of long disputes about what other fifteen dishes you could add to this little lunch box.

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