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How to squeeze a pimple to avoid scarring or infection


Source: Burning hut

Dermatologists say: don't crush pimples yourself. But we know that you continue to do this, because we ourselves are guilty of this! And if you break the rules, then only observing safety precautions. This article contains instructions on how to eliminate a pimple and cases when it is still better not to touch it, writes Burning hut.

Photo: Shutterstock

Why dermatologists are against us squeezing acne ourselves

Because most of us don't know how to do it right to avoid the consequences. All of them are unpleasant, painful and only worsen the appearance of the skin: if you act with your fingers or, even worse, your nails, there is a risk of infection, and the damage can turn into a scar.

On the face there is a zone with the ominous name "triangle of death". It is a triangular shape with a base at the corners of the lips and an apex at the bridge of the nose. In this area, due to the peculiarity of the blood supply, it is dangerous to crush acne, since there is a communication with the vessels of the brain. If you introduce an infection through a wound, microbes enter the brain through the bloodstream - thus meningitis develops. This happens rarely, up to one and a half cases per 100 thousand people a year, but it is better not to touch acne in the zone of the “death triangle”.

In the rest of the face, the worst thing that can happen if you don't follow safety precautions is a staphylococcal infection. According to statistics, this happens in 200 cases per 100 thousand people per year. Symptoms: the face is swollen, reddened and very sore. Here you cannot do without the help of a doctor.

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If you follow the rules of hygiene and arm yourself with an arsenal of effective remedies, a small pimple can be squeezed out at home. But first, let's tell you which pimples are better not to touch.

What acne can not be squeezed in any case

First, you need to define what you call a pimple. This word is more colloquial, it is correct to call this disease acne.

Non-inflammatory forms of acne

  • Open comedones - blackheads
  • Closed comedones - whiteheads

Inflammatory forms of acne

  • Papules - small reddish bumps
  • Pustules - similar to papules, only with a white rod at the top
  • Nodules - large, hard and painful formations under the skin
  • Cysts are the most severe type of acne in the form of pus-filled subcutaneous acne

Comedones - these are just pores clogged with sebaceous secretion and particles of dead skin. There is no inflammation in them, so there is no point in squeezing them out. To cleanse the skin of comedones, you need to provide it with care with three obligatory steps - cleansing, moisturizing and sun protection.

Papule Is a pimple that is not yet ripe. There is no pus in it, and it can be seen: there is only redness, swelling and, possibly, soreness. Papula does not need to be pressed, it is like opening the oven when the pie has not even risen. Let the pimple mature, and if its appearance drives you crazy, mask it with a special plaster.

Nodules and cysts - acne that cannot be controlled by yourself. You cannot cope with these inflammations on your own - you need to contact a dermatologist. He will prescribe the necessary research and treatment with drugs that cannot be bought in a pharmacy without a prescription.

Only pustules remain - acne with ready-made contents that asks to go out. We will work with them.

How to squeeze a pimple so as not to infect and avoid scars

Stage 1. Prepare everything you need

For a safe pimple removal procedure, you need:

  • clean hands and clean skin
  • soft towels for washing
  • disposable cosmetic wipes and sponges
  • salicylic acid lotion or antiseptic
  • face oil or cream with oils in the composition

All this is needed in order to squeeze out the pimple safely and not aggravate the situation. Feel like a mini-surgeon: to carry out the operation, the work field must be clean and your hands must be covered with gloves. Only instead of gloves you have disposable wipes.

Step 2. Cleanse the skin

It is best to squeeze out a pimple during a morning or evening beauty routine after the first stage of care - cleansing. Wash your face with your usual product, and for the best effect, use a soft towel. This cleansing technique was invented by Caroline Hirons, a popular British blogger and author of books on facial care. The bottom line is to wash off all the dirt and excess sebum from the face with a damp warm towel - this effect cannot be achieved with water and palms alone.

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After washing your face, look at the pimple. The skin is steamed, and the white head with purulent contents should be clearly visible. If this is not the case, it is better to postpone the event until later and wait until it matures.

Stage 3. Squeeze out the pimple and stop in time

You need to squeeze the pimple through a disposable napkin to minimize the risk of infection of the wound on the face. You need to press with your fingertips, gently and effortlessly. Place your fingers on the sides of the area of ​​inflammation, gently press the skin. You should get an angle of 90 degrees, where horizontally - your hands, vertically - a pimple with pus on top. If you do not do this, there is a risk of squeezing the pimple, but not outward, but inward.

So, you squeeze the pimple, the purulent contents come out. If you see that not everything worked out, repeat the action. It is important not to overdo it: as soon as the contents turn pink, stop pressing! Don't wait for blood to appear. If blood is squeezed and flowed - rather treat the pimple with chlorhexidine.

Step 4. Treat the area with an acid or antiseptic

At this stage, you need to act quickly: moisten the sponge for the face with lotion with acids. No lotion - antiseptic, such as chlorhexidine. Both options kill bacteria, accelerate wound healing, and prepare the skin for hydration.

A burning sensation when treating a pimple with an antiseptic is a good sign: it means that the agent acts on the skin. Blood flows - press the sponge until the blood stops. If the pimple was large, you have to be patient.

Step 5. Moisturize the skin

Inflamed skin needs hydration, even if it is oily. When the skin is dry, the risk of micro-trauma formation on it increases, and the natural oily film on the skin becomes thinner. This makes it easier for germs to settle in the skin, multiply in it and rewards you with worsening acne. To avoid this, moisturize your skin with cream or oil. But not all oils will work for your skin!

Some of them can provoke allergies, so read the ingredients carefully.

An oil or cream will soothe your skin. Massage into the area of ​​inflammation to improve blood flow to it. If you do this in the evening, one of two things awaits you in the morning: either the pimple will re-accumulate and you will squeeze it out completely, or the inflammation will disappear and will heal.

Step 6. Leave the pimple alone and do not apply medications to it

Once you've squeezed out your pimple, you don't need to apply your usual acne remedies, such as benzoyl peroxide ointments or gels, to the area. These remedies are effective in treating acne, but will not work on the damaged skin area. Set them aside until the wound has healed.

The material is published for informational purposes only, does not constitute medical advice and does not replace medical advice. ForumDaily Woman is not responsible for any diagnosis made by the reader based on the site's materials, as well as for the consequences of self-medication, and may not share the point of view of the author or expert.

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