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How to choose the right pan


ForumDaily Woman

In fact, there is no definitive answer to this question. Because for certain purposes you need different pans. But it’s worth finding out what pans are and what they are intended for. At least in order not to litter their kitchen with unnecessary attributes.

Even if you adhere to proper nutrition, you still sometimes use a frying pan for frying. So, first of all you need a pan with a non-stick coating. Such a pan has the advantage of not using any oil for frying, or at least 1 \ 2 teaspoons, which can be rubbed with a silicone brush or cloth.

1. Teflon
They are the most convenient, but short-lived. Gentle Teflon coating will last you from 6 months to a year. This coating can not be scratched, you need to use only silicone blades. If you do scratch the Teflon coating, throw it away. Because, even with a small scratch, the glue is exposed, with which the layers are glued together, which means the pan becomes unusable and releases carcinogens.
Another caveat of use - do not heat such a frying pan on the fire. Only medium or small fire.
But scrambled eggs without butter or tender juicy steak are worth it.

2. Ceramic coating
Ceramics is more environmentally friendly, moreover, tolerates high temperatures. The life of such pans from one to two. Unlike a teflon frying pan, ceramic have a different internal coating: creamy, brown, cream.
Most manufacturers claim that such pans are suitable for more than one year, but in most cases the ceramic coating deteriorates after 12 months.
The nuances of use: you can not drop it categorically, you can not beat it (for example, with a spatula on the edge) and you can not expose the temperature drop. If you urgently need to wash the ceramic pan, cool it to room temperature.

3. Titanium (as well as titanium-ceramic, diamond and granite)
These pans are more expensive, but they are also more durable. Unlike teflon and ceramic - they are not afraid of scratches and rough handling. Food heats evenly. It is convenient to cook and it is perfect for everyday use in the kitchen.
Only one use nuance: not suitable for induction stoves.

4. Various alloys
If for the manufacture of pans used all sorts of alloys, then the labels just write: bio, superbio, nanobio and so on in the same vein. Such pans can be bought only as a spare. For constant cooking, they are not very suitable.

What is important when choosing a pan:
Multilayered. The bottom should be noticeably heavy, the instructions describe the 3-5 layers. Ideal - 5 layers and thickened bottom from 6 mm.

Cast construction. Heavy, thickened and durable pans. Stamped from one sheet often bend and quickly fail.

Induction bottom. It gives a more uniform heat, and the food is tastier.

The diameter and size of the sides of the pan. You need a pancake pan, small for small dishes, medium for frying and, if desired, deep for stewing.

The price of the pan. Do not save on the pan. If you really like a beautiful teflon pan at half price - buy and cook breakfasts on it, but do not forget to change it to a new one in six months. And for permanent use, buy a good frying pan.

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