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How to stay calm during an epidemic despite alarmists and conspiracy theories

Sergey Evelev

writer, TV and radio host


Once again about the existing panic. I think that the panic launched into orbit so simply will not be stopped. Yes, and why?

Photo: Shutterstock

In all ages (you can delve into the historical chronicles left to us and find everything there), during any crisis, people were divided into several groups based on the psychotype of a person: he manifests himself very clearly in such moments, sharply reacting to what is happening. In everyday life, this is not so noticeable, although the psychotype is the same.

So, the first group is alarmists. These people, like vampires who need fresh blood, need to be fed. Any, even the smallest imbalance in the imaginary balance in the world and nature, causes crazy excitement in them, pressure rises, acne on the face appears, hair is disheveled, and saliva splashes out of the mouth. This is a portrait.

But seriously, for them everything becomes a reason for panic: melting Arctic ice, plastic bottles that pollute the ocean and kill sharks that foolishly swallow them, shooting in the subway, a virus that will lead to the end of the world. They go crazy with horror when something "catastrophic" (from their point of view) happens, and their uncontrollable behavior drives others crazy. But even during periods of calm, in anticipation of the next "stimulus", they are like yeast - they ferment and sow discontent and excitement among the masses. It would be good to isolate them, especially in times of crisis, but there is no such law yet. Waiting for him.

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The second group is conspiracy theorists. They always and in everything see the hand of higher forces, the owners of our souls, aliens, the Atlanteans who survived from the bottom of the sea, where they secretly abide. The Atlanteans give the command, and its performers on earth wreak havoc, bringing us closer to the end of the world. And he, by the way, has already been repeatedly announced, but has not yet come. We are waiting for him too ...

The third group is people who understand everything and laugh at it. She is the most numerous, I think. Its representatives, if possible, lead a normal, moderate lifestyle and experience troubles as they arrive. They do not lose their presence of mind, calm others and, unlike others, do not buy toilet paper with megatons in fear that it will not be enough.

(It’s interesting, by the way, how they use it, that they need so much?)

The fourth and last group is probably the smallest - these are those who either started the whole mess, or simply know how to take advantage of any splash of the world's human ocean. Under this noise and out of the blue hysteria, some companies will go bankrupt, while others will buy them at a low price. Whoever needs it - they will give money to "restore" the national economy. They will conclude contracts with those with whom it did not work out in a calm atmosphere. They will repurpose some industries with a sharp turn of the steering wheel. They will drop prices for energy resources, for oil, for example.

The priceless paper market will be thrown up and down, cleverly and most importantly - by legal means moving billions from one pockets to another. And many more interesting things will be done by those who have money, power and media tools in their hands. They are used to convey the “necessary” slogans and unverifiable statistics to the people. By the way, have you ever thought that we take on faith the numbers of sick, tested and even dead, which cannot be verified. Who said they were accurate? I didn't say ... But who is behind any numbers, who checked them? Well, here I am about the same ...

In our coronavirus case, it is possible that everything that happens is nothing more than exercises in anticipation of the possibility of a real, serious virus, from which many people can really die. One of the serious virologists at one of the symposia even said that humanity lives in two mutations from a serious pandemic. But this is not her yet. Who doubts this, when the noise passes and the fog dissipates, he himself will see and understand everything ...

These teachings (if viewed in this way) show that we are not ready for a serious turn of events. I hope that at the “dress rehearsal” all our tests will end and the “premiere” is still very far away. But, realizing that the isolation of the healthy from the sick is the most effective "medicine" in such a situation, given that there are no other drugs and a vaccine is not expected in the near future, people (albeit without pleasure), but go to isolation and quarantine. And it works, because the main and, perhaps, the only feasible task of humanity today is to separate the healthy from the sick. Quarantine does this better than anything artificial. By the way, this is exactly what they did during the terrible epidemics and before. So the idea is not new, but proven.

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And the Chinese, as always, well done. You can not love them, even despise them, but denying their ability to organize and fish out even in the pool of a sports club is stupid.

They have trained on this virus - and now they are probably ready for more serious tests if it becomes necessary to respond quickly. They showed the whole world what China is and the absence of Chinese goods in stores, where eight out of ten are made in China. They bought out the shares of many multibillion Chinese companies, where foreign investors were present. Those were afraid of the fall of stocks and quickly sold everything. And these quickly bought everything. And many more clever things were done by these guys, who were able to quickly organize everything and stop this epidemic with a billion people and a decent density for every square kilometer. By the way, it seems that the law under which the number of wild birds and other cockroaches going for food will be limited is also adopted or is planned to be adopted.


Alarmists were and always will be. Let them panic, this is their breeding ground. World tycoons have always caught big fish in troubled waters, which sometimes they themselves created, and sometimes just used the prevailing "turbidity". And we (as in all ages) can only control ourselves, not forgetting that we are people, and believe that no matter how they manipulate us, no matter how they try to make us a zombie appendage, ready to perform any task , none of this will work. Nothing will come of it until we ourselves want it. And this, I think, if it happens, it will not be very soon.

We enjoy life and sleep peacefully. Amen.

If you want to talk with me about it - go to my page in facebook.

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