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How to wash white things correctly to maintain freshness and color



Quite a complicated science: how to whiten white things at home, keep their presentation for a long time, while not spending too much time, money and effort.

Photo: Shutterstock

White color at all times was a sign of purity and chastity, writes In addition, white things are pleasing to the eye, evoke positive emotions, they are always elegant. Noticed that the most ordinary white shirt always looks festive and solemn?

We have collected the most interesting and correct recommendations that experienced hostesses gave us.

1 Tip: Linen must be sorted before washing

This is a well-known rule. To prevent white things from fading and dyed in other colors, they need to be separated. White is always erased separately and preferably first.

2 Tip: Things need to be washed immediately after contamination, do not leave washing "for later"

Over time, stains penetrate deeper into the structure of the fabric and it will be much more difficult and often impossible to wash them out.

Tip 3: you need to determine the nature of the stains that should be removed

Contamination can be protein (food, grass) or mineral (earth). Proteins are brewed in hot water, tightly attached to the threads of the fabric - after such a wash, traces remain. Therefore, it is necessary to wash off contaminants of a protein nature, in contrast to mineral contaminants, with preliminary soaking and washing in warm water. Do not immediately immerse contaminated items in water hotter than 40 degrees. For the same reason, a detergent must contain bioenzymes - substances that break down proteins. Mineral contamination must be washed immediately in hot water.

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4 Tip: Synthetics and woolen items should be washed separately from white cotton and linen items.

If you do not comply with this rule, white clothes may find a gray tint.

Another problem of all housewives is the frequent wearing of white things, improper care, irregular washings cause the product to lose its attractiveness: the clothes can turn gray and yellow. An old and proven boil solution is not always optimal. This method is not suitable for synthetics or delicate fabrics. After digestion, they will simply creep apart.

There are two ways to wash a white item: have it dry cleaned or try to wash it at home.

Old proven methods

1 method: with XNUMX% hydrogen peroxide... It is necessary to pour 2 liters of water into the basin, add 1 teaspoon of 15% hydrogen peroxide, mix and soak the clothes that you are washing for XNUMX minutes.

It is important that every 5 minute, knead the clothes and evenly turn them over. If we add soda to this solution, we get a white-washed clothing.

2 method: with soda... Pour 5 tablespoons of soda into a container for 5 liters of warm water. Add 2 tablespoons of ammonia to this solution, soak things that need bleaching for several hours. After 2-3 hours, rinse the clothes thoroughly and wash them in the traditional way.

3 method: with salt. You can also whiten things with ordinary table salt. Pour 2 liters of hot water into a basin. Add 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of ammonia and 3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. Be sure to add detergent for hand washing. This method is suitable for bleaching wool and cotton fabrics.

4 method: using boric acid. White socks and white tights can be bleached by dissolving a couple of tablespoons of boric acid in warm water. Soak things and let sit for a few hours. Then they need to be washed in a washing machine with powder. You can also add some boric acid directly to the washing machine.

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5 method: with mustard. The trouble of all housewives is washed kitchen towels. And it's a shame to use, and it's a pity to throw it out. You can return them to their previous appearance if you use mustard powder for this. Dissolve it in water and soak dirty towels. After a few hours, rinse them with water - and enjoy the whiteness!

How to whiten faded things at home

Whitening a faded white thing at home is not easy, but possible! It is very important to start bleaching the faded thing immediately while it is still wet. The more time passes since the paint got on the white thing, the more difficult it will be to wash it.

The most famous way to whiten a faded thing at home is to treat it with laundry soap, and then boil for 30 minutes. The effect struck our grandmothers even when there were no different bleaching agents.

Another good way to bleach faded white clothes: dilute 2 tablespoons of ammonia in 10 liters of water. We put things in the solution and put on the fire. It is necessary to bring this "brew" to a boil three times, turning off the hotplate every time after boiling. I would like to warn you that the smell in the house will be unpleasant, but the whiteness of things is worth it. Then you need to rinse them thoroughly and dry them, preferably outside.

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