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How to help the body adapt to the clock translation



Tomorrow you will move the hands back one hour. Despite the fact that you will start waking up later and, it would seem, should feel better, the body perceives the transition to winter time as stress. Daylight hours are shrinking, the internal biological clock has difficulty with “readjustment”, and it is not as easy to translate it as the clock on the wall. What awaits you and how to get used to it, advises


Sleep problems and sleep quality

Normally, it takes about three days to adapt to a new sleep pattern. No need to force yourself to go to bed and get up at a new time from the very first day (especially get up), try to make this transition as gentle as possible. The body gets used to new sleep rhythms. But one hour is not so much, so, most likely, the body will quickly figure out what to do. If you already suffer from severe insomnia, it's best to go to bed a little earlier, even if you don't fall asleep right away, experts advise. Alternatively, seek help from your doctor who will prescribe drugs to help you fall asleep quickly.

Problems with concentration and performance

If you are not sleeping well, then it is quite possible that you will not be able to concentrate as effectively on work and other tasks as you did before. Give yourself time. In advance, be prepared for the fact that on Monday-Wednesday, your performance may suffer a little, and do not give yourself too complex tasks.

Problems with mood and anxiety

Changing the length of daylight affects not only the biological clock, but also the psyche. The level of the sleep hormone melatonin rises at night to help you fall asleep, and drops in the morning so you can wake up easily. But on days when there is less light, this process can be a bit chaotic. In this case, it is important to add light artificially: bright in the morning and calm in the evening.

Problems with the usual loads

You can go into a kind of hibernation mode - half asleep and apathy. Despite the fact that with the transfer of hours it becomes much harder to perform daily tasks of maintaining physical fitness, proper nutrition, exercise and hobbies, doctors insist on doing this for some time through force. This is how you most quickly get out of a lethargic state.
For most people, the adaptation to the new hourly mode takes no more than a week. Be patient and take good care of yourself - soon everything will go into the usual rut.

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