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How to prepare for a meeting with a stylist

Anastasia Alekseenko

Blogger, stylist, author of the "Fashion Blog".


Often, in my practice, I encounter certain issues and problems that take up time, which in general must go to counseling itself. Therefore, I decided to write a little about how to prepare to work with a stylist and what nuances to foresee in advance so that you are satisfied with the consultation. I will then show this post to those who order my consultations, but I think it will be useful to other stylists and their potential clients.

Photo: depositphotos

1. Decide on your request. Even with the standard “wardrobe analysis” procedure, personal customer inquiries can vary. From "tell me the program for the upcoming shopping, because I do not understand what I need to buy to fit what I have," to "clean up the closet so that in the mornings I have no problems with the selection of clothes."

2. Prepare the things you want to deal with. Most often, I advise you to work with things "for now." That is, in April, we dismantle things for the spring-summer season, and in October - for the autumn-winter season. But there are other situations. For example, if you are traveling to Europe and are planning a big shopping for the upcoming season, then it is quite reasonable to be engaged in winter clothes in the summer. Another important nuance: at the start stage, in any case, you know your wardrobe better than the stylist. And therefore, if you have a winter jumper, but which you wear in the spring-summer season - do not forget to add it to the pile of things prepared for analysis.

3. And in general - do not forget. The things that are in the laundry, the things put in another closet, the raincoat left in the car, and the shoes that are stored in the boxes in the closet - the stylist does not know about all this. Therefore, before the meeting, try to think and remember if you have prepared all the things. And by the way, things are not just clothes. This also includes shoes, bags, shawls, belts, jewelry.

4. All things worth decomposing into a handful of 4. The first - the things that you do not wear and are going to throw. You know, I often joke that the main task in parsing a wardrobe is for the client to throw out the things that he was about to throw out for a long time, but somehow they did not reach. In this phrase, jokes are only a small fraction 🙂 The second pile - things that need repair or alteration. The third pile - things that you wear often, constantly. And the fourth - things that you do not know what to wear.

Now let's talk a little about the room where all this will happen. Best of all, if this is the room where your clothes are stored: a bedroom with a wardrobe or dressing room. But any other room is also suitable, as long as it is light and with a large mirror.

A separate note for those who order a Skype consultation: check that the room is bright, that there is enough light and it does not distort the color and texture of your clothes. Otherwise, the stylist will be difficult to give you the right advice. Also check the sound in advance and set the camera at the right angle.

And in the case of full-time, and in the case of an absentee consultation via Skype, you will need a notebook and pen to write notes for yourself or make a list of things you need to buy. As well as a tablet, a camera phone or a camera to capture successful bows.

And one more thing: it doesn't matter if you order a consultation from me or you work with another stylist, the main thing to remember is the important rule - the more clearly you formulate the question for yourself, the more complete the answer and effective result you will get.

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