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How to beat summer insomnia: 7 secrets of proper sleep in the heat


Source: МК

As soon as the day gets longer and the night is shorter, many of us start to sleep worse. And during the heat of the period, most people who cannot provide air conditioning torment the manifestations of insomnia. So, what to do with insomnia on a summer night?

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Doctors say that it is in summertime that patients most often complain of manifestations of insomnia, writes МК. It gets dark late, it dawns early - sleep does not go. And indeed - these days sleep disorders are familiar to about 80% of the population, especially to residents of cities where it is light and noisy at night at any time of the year. Yes, and the constant stress that has become the norm of life, good sleep and good sleep do not contribute. What to do?

First. To dive into deep sleep, the human body needs darkness. Only in the conditions of pitch darkness does the body begin to produce an important hormone called melatonin, without which the normal functioning of many systems, including endocrine, immune, digestive and nervous, is impossible. In addition, this hormone is important for maintaining normal blood pressure levels. So secure yourself the darkness in the bedroom at all costs. For example, buy thick curtains. In addition, there are special reflective films that can be glued over the windows.

Second. A couple of hours before bedtime, remove any gadgets from you. The fact is that they produce light of the blue spectrum, which invigorates. Such blue light will be appropriate in the morning, for it will help to wake up - there are even special alarm lamps. But in the evening the light of the yellow spectrum will calm down (such lamps, again, exist, you can insert them into a night light.

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The third. The heat increases insomnia because during the rise in air temperature the body rapidly loses moisture, which causes many biochemical processes to be disturbed, and the person begins to spend forces to cool down. The temperature in the room that is ideal for a good sleep is 21-23 degrees C. Therefore, air conditioners and cooling fans will help here. A cool shower before bedtime will also help.

Fourth. For good sleep, the daily regimen is important. No matter how difficult it is, try to go to bed and get up at the same time, even on weekends.

The fifth. Do not forget to drink more water - however, it is better to drink it in the morning to avoid edema. But from the high-calorie food (especially at night) during the heat must be rejected: otherwise the body will have to expend energy on its processing. And, of course, give up alcohol, remembering that the dream has consumed brief and anxious.

The sixth. Do not engage in any activity (mental or physical) before bed. No cleaning or fitness rooms at night looking! But before bedtime it is useful to take a leisurely stroll in the fresh air.

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Seventh. Bedding buy only from natural fabrics - linen, cotton, calico, satin. Synthetics violate the body's heat exchange, which, again, leads to insomnia. And even an hour before bedtime, you can wear socks soaked in a solution of water and vinegar.

Remember that insomnia does not go without a trace: people who do not get enough sleep regularly, poor concentration and memory, he is worse at work, he may have high blood pressure, which will lead to the development of heart and vascular diseases. In addition, people who lack sleep, age faster, their skin fades early.

Well, also keep in mind that in the summer, the average person needs a little less time to sleep - 6 hours versus 8 “winter” hours.

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