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How to rebuild the body in the autumn mode


Source: Buro247

Now there are two tendencies: the first is to reduce the sleep time in order to have more time, and the second is to get up early, because it guarantees vigor. Many yoga practitioners claim that it is morning that is the best time for exercise, meditation and mental tasks. We find out, together with the experts, how much time you need to take to sleep and how to build a day regimen.

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Why all reduce the time of sleep, and what the doctors say about it

How much an adult needs to sleep is a very controversial topic. There is no specific and exact number in hours that would suit every person, writes Buro247. According to the World Health Organization, you need to sleep from 6 to 8 hours per day. “At 5 in the morning, people with signs of hypothyroidism and depression get up, and there’s nothing good about it. It is not physiological to awaken when the sun only appears. When the sun rose, some time should pass before the hormone melatonin appears, and only after that the body naturally awakens. ”

“The recommendation to get up with the first rays of the sun is not logical. There are no scientific data where it would be recommended to get up in 5 in the morning with health benefits, so this statement can be considered erroneous, ”says Yuri Poteshkin, PhD, endocrinologist of the Atlas Medical Center.

It is believed that people who sleep from 6,5 to 7,5 hours a day, live longer. They are more productive, toned and happy. However, the rise time depends on the individual. Someone may feel great in 5 in the morning, someone - overslept an hour or two. And you can oversleep and all 10 hours, and then feel sluggish.

“If we wake up with a feeling of fatigue and weakness, then either sleep was not enough in time, or it was of poor quality. There may be a lack of time if a person suffers from insomnia, for example, in autumn depression, or because of his habit of going to bed after midnight, he doesn’t even have time to close his eyes, as it’s time to get up, ”explains Daria Lebedeva, a sleep specialist at the Central Clinical Hospital. RF.

Why is it harder to wake up in the fall, and how can you help yourself

It is easier to get up in spring and summer - often we are awakened by sunlight, which helps regulate sleep and wakefulness. When light hits the retina, less melatonin is produced, a sleep hormone that is formed only in total darkness, and we wake up. In autumn and winter, the situation is different: there is less and less sunlight every day, and we need to wake up in the morning, and preferably early in the day. The highest concentration of melatonin is produced from 23 hours to 5 hours of the morning.

“With the arrival of cold weather, it is necessary to get up at the same time both in winter and in summer so as not to knock down the work of our biological clock.”

There are many ways to overcome the difficulties of waking up during the cold season: review your diet, increase physical activity, plan your day so that you can see the sun during the day, plan country walks on weekends, turn on all lights to the maximum, even during the day, use light alarm clocks with imitation dawn, which gradually increase the illumination of the bedroom by the time of awakening, ”says Daria Lebedeva.

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How exactly does sleep deprivation affect the state of the body, and why is it unsafe?

Lack of sleep affects the body in a complex way: immunity decreases, headaches can occur, weight begins to fluctuate, because the body protects itself and tries to restore energy with the help of fat reserves, the stress hormone cortisol rises.

Often the body can give different signals if sleep was not enough. In addition, during the day, the ability to concentrate suffers, for example, if a person performs a task and is distracted, then it will be much more difficult to start doing things again and return attention. Lack of sleep also activates fears, the brain begins to work in a mode that it is in danger from all sides: palpitations increase, palms sweat, the emotional state becomes unstable.

How to stabilize the regime if you are an owl, lark or pigeon

We used to wake up to the sound of the alarm. A completely healthy body wakes up at the same time itself, if we lay down on time and did not eat at night.

“As for owls and larks, they really exist. And it is laid by nature, as well as the amount of time required for the rash. Certainly, it is better to be a morning person in the modern world. Owls are just starting to sway by dinner at a time when larks are already doing great things. There are people who can easily adapt to any mode of the day (they are called pigeons). In any case, there are ways to adapt each to somehow alleviate the suffering.

Both owls and larks need to adjust their biological clock. This means that you need to go and get up at the same time, even at the weekend, try to do it.

Shifts or sliding graphics are harmful to both of them, which do not allow the watch to work properly.

Owls better not to drink coffee, tea and energy after lunch, to spend the evening with a book, rather than with a computer and TV, which inhibit melatonin production, not to plan important negotiations and business for the evening, ”Daria Lebedeva advises.

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