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How to tell a cold from a mild COVID-19



Even in a mild form, coronavirus infection is more dangerous than ARVI: a sick person, without knowing it, can infect his elderly loved ones, people with chronic diseases, writes

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If COVID-19 is symptomatic, it can be easily confused with the flu. The patient's temperature rises, a cough appears that does not lead to sputum separation, presses in the chest, and often the ability to smell and taste is lost. This was recalled by the specialists of the Medical Center for Family Health and Beauty.

How does the mild form of COVID-19 manifest

Low temperature, fatigue with little physical exertion, mild headache, pain in the throat and muscles.

Sometimes there is a dry cough, even less often - a runny nose.

With a mild course, the coronavirus recedes after one to two weeks. A severe form can last for six weeks or more, while the patient must be in the hospital.

How not to mix up

Doctors at the Medical Center for Family Health and Beauty recommend that you closely monitor your cough: if it contains phlegm, while the nose is stuffed up, there is a high probability that it is a cold. When the cough is dry, the nose breathes, but there is a fever, muscle pain, and other signs of illness - most likely COVID-19.

Difference in breathing with flu and coronavirus

Both influenza and COVID-19 can be mild to severe and fatal. But their main difference is in breathing. Flu symptoms will not include shortness of breath or other breathing problems. In addition, with flu in the first days of illness, the temperature is constantly high, and with coronavirus, it goes down and up for periods.

Therefore, at the first manifestations of the disease, experts ask to immediately consult a doctor. Doctors will closely monitor the clinical manifestations of the disease, promptly conduct the necessary studies, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

On the subject: Two early symptoms of coronavirus that are easy to miss

In no case should you self-medicate: even if signs of a mild cold appear, you need to call a doctor at home. Better to be safe than to get seriously ill or infect your loved ones. When symptoms appear, you should not visit a clinic or hospital in order to avoid infection of a large number of people.

The doctor at home will determine the condition of the patient, first of all, he will recommend self-isolation and not leave the house. Next, you should follow the doctor's recommendations.

Symptoms of the disease can be caused by:

  • a trip in the last two weeks to a country or region unfavorable for a coronavirus situation;
  • communicating with sick people who have been confirmed to be infected with COVID-19;
  • communicating with people under supervision as contact.

What to do if your symptoms get worse

Most often, COVID-19 passes as ARVI. But if shortness of breath, pain or pressure in the chest increases, the temperature rises, the state of health worsens, you need to immediately call an ambulance.

In the early stages of the disease, one should not rush to the PCR test. COVID-19 may not show up and the results will be negative. It is necessary to do such a diagnosis or tests of other types about 1-2 weeks after the first suspicion that the patient has caught a dangerous infection. All this time you need to be isolated at home.

Ill - stay at home!

Doctors remind: until we stop going sick to work, we will not defeat viruses! To minimize the increase in the number of infected, you need to:

  • wearing masks in public;
  • wash your hands with soap and water;
  • keep a social distance of 1,5-2 meters;
  • do not contact large companies;
  • move less by public transport.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

The material is published for informational purposes only, does not constitute medical advice and does not replace medical advice. ForumDaily Woman is not responsible for any diagnosis made by the reader based on the site's materials, as well as for the consequences of self-medication, and may not share the point of view of the author or expert.

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