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How to organize a workspace for the practice of Feng Shui


Source: Greatist

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice of organizing physical objects to attract positive energy. It is based on the idea that everything in a person's environment affects his inner life. Feng Shui practitioners believe that placing objects in a room, building, or elsewhere will affect the flow of qi (life force or cosmic energy) in the workspace. If there is a good flow of qi, the one who is in this space will receive an impulse of positive energy.

Photo: iStock

Not bad, is it?
According to Feng Shui expert R.D. Chin, people often turn to this practice if they don't feel good or comfortable in their space. Perhaps nowhere is this more relevant than in the workspace - uncomfortable chairs, poor lighting, and the boss's breath in the back of our heads are unlikely to contribute to a feeling of comfort. That's when Feng Shui comes to the rescue. If you want to feel comfortable even while at work, or you just want to send positive vibes to your job (career, a colleague?), Read on!

Is qi good for me?
Despite the fact that there are few or no scientific results that confirm the direct Feng Shui effect (except for the “thousand-year Chinese tradition”, well, you know), some studies confirm the basic principles of this practice. One study suggests that a more organized workplace can improve time management, which helps increase productivity. And psychological studies have shown that sunlight, green plants, and physical movements can improve the health, productivity, and mood of employees.

So how does Feng Shui differ from the usual principles of working space organization?

“This goes beyond simple organization, as the principles of Feng Shui have a psychological component,” says Laura Cerrano of Feng Shui Manhattan.

Your environment has a profound effect on your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Since the daily work from nine to five is a big part of the day, improving chi in the work space will help you in your work and the rest.

Start: Feng Shui table layout
One of the main tools for the Feng Shui practitioner is the Bagua map. This is a nine-part grid depicting different areas of space (home, table, office, whatever) and how they correspond to different areas of life. Think of it as a general plan for any Feng Shui action. To create a positive flow of energy, follow the guidelines below.

Arrange your table correctly
If possible, place the table directly in front of the front door of your office. If you do not have a personal account, try to orient your desk so that you are at the main door. Cerrano calls this "command position." If your boss doesn’t perceive the rearrangement of furniture in the name of qi, then, says Cerrano, it’s best to put a small mirror on the table that reflects the entrance to the office.

“According to the principles of Feng Shui, it provides protection and symbolizes that you see the opportunities that come to you during your career,” says Serrano.

In other words, you must be able to see opportunities to master them.

Create space for creativity
As soon as you get a complete picture of any incoming features, it's time to take up the surface of the table. Most likely, there is observed some confusion, which Cerrano defines as "something unfinished, unresolved, deferred or disorganized." Organize things to fit your work style and personal preferences. Cerrano proposes to proceed from the date or category using colored laces if you like. Organized work can increase productivity, and eliminating clutter can provide space to allow creativity to move.

Table for success
Now the most interesting thing: to arrange the desktop so as to stimulate the flow of positive energy.
Imagine the work table is divided into a nine-piece grid as shown in the pakua map above. Pick a few areas of your life that you could elevate a little and use the following tips to draw good energy to those areas. Each section is associated with a color, and you can use objects of that color if you have them. Just don't go overboard - remember, clutter blocks creativity, so at least 50% of your desktop should be clean at all times. Don't focus on all nine sections; choose two or three priorities instead.

Wealth and prosperity. The back left corner of the table is prosperity. Tag this space to attract money and abundance. This is a great place for a plant, but if your green friend looks more like a brown one, consider putting a valuable object in this corner (for example, a crystal vase or a jar of change). This can also be a good place for a computer.

Fame and reputation. Want more 15 minutes to be the center of attention? The place of fame is in the center of the back of the bagua card. Put there business cards or nameplate. Zerrero also recommends motivational images that emphasize what you are and your achievements (think: will it be a photo of your first marathon or your hard earned diploma).

Love and relationship. To meet love (today or in the future), focus on the back right corner. Alone? Here is a fresh flower that can bring good luck and perhaps even a spark of romance. Already have someone special? Put a picture of you two.

Family. Despite the fact that there is usually a paperweight, family photography, according to the principles of Feng Shui, fits well into the left center of the table. A wooden frame enhances the energy of this particular space.

Health. Despite the fact that sitting at the table does not really help your health, there are several ways to improve health even during work. Keep the central area of ​​the desktop free from clutter to attract positive energy there. In addition, Cerrano recommends taking short breaks throughout the day to reduce stress and maintain focus.

Creativity. Enhance creativity by adding inspiration to the right center of the grid. Respect writers, post a journal or book here. A blank notebook would be ideal for artists, while a metal object might work well for others. But in fact, everything is going as it should, just creative!

Knowledge and wisdom. Strive to learn new stuff? Focus on the front left corner of the table. Place a handbook here (or perhaps a photograph of Albert Einstein).

Career. Front and center is a career space - definitely table-worthy. Keep this place free of clutter. Cerrero suggests showing affirmations or motivational quotes throughout the office; it would be a great place to stick with one of them.

Helpful people and travel. If you need a little help from your friends, focus on the front right side. This is a good place to put a phone or an address book (do people still use them?). This area also represents a journey, so a guide or a photo of a particular holiday destination will work well here.

Take off!
Feng Shui is not a magic formula; rather, it provides a visual reminder of areas in your life that you value or are working to improve. Chin notes that Feng Shui is a matter of perspective, the ability to think or create balance in our lives. Start by following the guidelines above to add positivity and balance to your desktop - and your life!

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