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How to determine that you drink too little water


Source: Rambler

The conventional wisdom about having to drink 8 glasses of water a day is actually not quite true. Where did this figure come from, how much water do you need and how to determine that it is not enough?

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Strictly speaking, the author of a study published in the 1921 year came to this conclusion. He decided that he had lost 8 glasses of fluid in the form of sweat and urine during the day. Rambler. But fluid flow and its compensation is a purely individual feature of the body.

Different health organizations name only approximate daily fluid intake: approximately 3,7 liters (13 glasses) for men and 2,7 liters (9 glasses) for women. This applies to people who experience moderate exercise at the same average air temperature.

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It should not be forgotten that the body receives 80% percent of this amount with juices, milk, tea, coffee, vegetables and fruits.

RџSЂRё increased physical activity and the temperature should be drunk more. If you do not want to drink, and your urine is colorless or light yellow, then you are all right. But excessive sweating - a signal of an additional glass of liquid.

In addition, do not neglect the water in the highlands and in extreme heat.

You need to drink more often high fever and diarrheaas well as pregnant and lactating women.

On the subject: How much water do you really need? Expert opinion

Signs of dehydration:

  • Constant fatigue for no apparent reason;
  • Dizziness;
  • Rare trips to the toilet.

In these cases, you need to increase the amount of fluid in the diet and consult a doctor.

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