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How to clean the body after the holidays with water


Source: RBC-Ukraine

This method will help get rid of toxins and impurities in the body.

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Undoubtedly, for health and long life a person needs a clean internal environment in his body. However, modern life, which is not rarely accompanied by the ingestion of large doses of alcohol, smoking and overeating, often leads to the formation of large amounts of toxins in the body and its contamination with decay products and a clogged organism brings us a lot of trouble. How to clean the body with the help of ordinary boiled water, says RBC.

Toxins, accumulating in the nervous system, cause increased irritability and depression. The heart becomes weaker, bloating and bad breath appear, and skin stains can appear. The occurrence of any of these symptoms means the beginning of the process of autointoxication of the organism, in other words, the body is poisoning itself with its own products of vital activity disintegration. Because of this, a complete cleansing of the body is necessary for each person.

Modern medicine offers methods for cleaning human systems and organs in abundance, and for those who do not want to clean their organs separately - the intestines, liver, kidneys, etc., we can offer a simplified method that will relieve you of toxins at least partially.

Purification with boiled water

This method will help to normalize digestion and remove problems with the intestines, also stabilizes weight, helps to establish normal functioning of the skin and very gently and gradually remove sand and stones from the kidneys, gall bladder, liver.

With such a cleansing, light pains can occur, but they should not be afraid, because they are just the evidence that the purification process is proceeding as it should, and the body gradually gets rid of toxins. In the absence of chronic diseases, there will be no pain.

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The method itself is very simple: 30 minutes before breakfast every morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of boiling water. Drink hot water should be neatly, in small sips, sipping and not cater. Water must be necessarily boiled and as hot as the temperature your lips can endure without burning. This course is designed for six months. During this time, pain in the spine disappears, excess fat disappears in problem areas, and bones become more flexible.

You need to drink like this: sit on a chair, straighten your back and relax. Drink slowly intermittently. They drank, place your hands palm down on your knees. Close your eyes and listen to your body again. Then, slowly, lay down on the floor, on the mat on the stomach.

Place your hands, palms down at shoulder level, chin on the floor in front of you. Slowly lift your head and try to look over the heel of your right foot over your left shoulder. When you raise your head, hold your attention on the thyroid gland, then on the spine between the shoulder blades, then on the lower back.

When you go down, keep the focus on the lower back, then on the spine between the shoulder blades, on the thyroid gland, that is, in the reverse order. When you raise your head, it is allowed to rise on your hands, but do not tear your elbows off the floor. In the next stage, turning your head over the right shoulder, try to look at the heel of your left foot.

This gymnastics will move the drunk liquid along the gastrointestinal tract and knead your spine. You will feel lightness and flexibility in your body.

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