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How to detect mice in the house and effectively get rid of them


Source: Good Housekeeping

It is difficult to imagine less welcome guests in the house than a mouse. No matter what reaction they cause you, rodents can cause very real material damage and spread the disease. We tell how to get rid of them.

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Hot summer contributes to the fact that rodents survive excellently in infancy, feed and actively reproduce. They are drawn to the water sources located separately near the houses, so they can be very active and make their way into the home, writes Good Housekeeping.

If you suspect you have mice, immediately set up traps and block possible entry points into the house.

How to find them

Little dark droppings, cardboard box stubs, paper nests, and a sour smell are all signs of mice, and you can also hear them running around at night.

The mouse cannot be alone. If you saw her hiding somewhere, rest assured, there are several of them. The rodents that invade your home can be permanent residents (house mice) or just random “passers-by” looking for food, food, and warmth (field mice). They all have the same unhygienic habits that spread various diseases.

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Mice urinate to mark their territory, so they contaminate food and can cause outbreaks of poisoning in residents. Because they are rodents that need to chew constantly, mice become fires when they chew on cables and wires.

Do not use home remedies

There are many ideas for scaring mice that you can do yourself (including peppermint sprays, dry bag fillers, cotton balls soaked in oil and cayenne pepper, and more). But there is little scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of these solutions, and even blocking the route the mouse travels through the home is not a long-term solution.

Find out where they come from

This is the first step to the correct disposal of mice, which will help you to know where to set the traps. A simple spring mousetrap is very effective, although you can also think of a disposable mousetrap or one that hides an animal so that you don’t have to look at it during disposal.

Set traps

Carefully block the inlets and install traps. Traps should be placed in places where there are signs of rodent activity, and they will be more effective if placed in tunnels or installed directly next to walls. Always use gloves when using traps: rodents avoid anything that has human smell.

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They are also suspicious of changes in the environment, so for the first few days they are given bait (chocolate, peanut butter, and bacon are all good choices) but are not trapped. The ability to obtain food without consequences initially creates a false sense of security in mice and will approach traps with less caution, increasing the likelihood of successful capture.

Seal penetration points

Mice can go through holes only half a centimeter wide! Carefully inspect any penetration points and seal them with glass wool and sealant - rodents are unable to punch such holes. They can also climb vertically, so pay attention to more than just the floor.

Do not forget about the garage

Make sure that the mice do not penetrate your garage. They may settle in the car and gnaw the wires near the engine, which will lead to serious damage. Attach thick brushes to the bottom of the garage door so that the mice cannot squeeze under them.

Call for help

If you cannot control rodents or there are many of them, contact the pest control service.

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