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How not to get sick in spring: 4 soft practice


Source: Pink

It seems that along with winter, all viruses, colds and depressive episodes recede. Unfortunately, in practice it is not. We understand how to insure and protect yourself at this time of year.

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Do not rush time

In our latitudes, we always fall into the same trap: noting for ourselves the arrival of the calendar spring, we immediately strive to make it real, not paying attention to the weather conditions, writes Pink.

Shoes instead of shoes, thin tights instead of warmed, light raincoats instead of down jackets and all that jazz. This is understandable: after spending almost half a year in the costume of an assistant Santa Claus, who needs to carry gifts all over the Arctic Circle all night, you want to quickly get rid of all the visuals, take the winter and feel light and updated without it. But, unfortunately, the objective reality cannot be changed: in April there are still snowfalls and winds are piercing to the bones. Therefore, it's time to remember all the boring instructions of the grandmother about wearing a hat, do not catch a cold and, when the present warmth comes, do not complete the cough, wearing a scarf, and finally put on your favorite dress.

If you spent the whole winter sitting under a warm blanket, do not rush to take walks with sweet chatter (during which you have to breathe with your mouth) all day long with the onset of the first sunny days - the air is still cold and the body may not have time to adapt to the need to resist hypothermia. respiratory tract for a long time. Start with half an hour a day and gradually increase the time of walking.

To take care

Another spring trap is the exacerbation of mental problems. Again, it seems that after the winter winter, spring will bring a revival to life, relief from old problems and offenses, simple pleasures such as the opportunity to warm your face in the sun or eat ice cream in the park. In reality, along with the activation of mental processes, old traumas, anxieties and fears can be activated.

To protect yourself, take care of yourself in the spring with the utmost care. You should not immediately go on a diet, sign up for language courses, start strength training and settle for a new project at work. Implement no more than one new employment in three weeks. So you will have time to adapt and the opportunity to see if you can take on anything else.

Do not scold yourself if you want to spend the whole weekend in bed, while all friends walk, go out of town and have their first picnics. Do not force yourself to "enjoy" the spring. If there is no natural desire for this, it means that the body does not have the strength to do this now, and therefore its protective functions and immunity are also reduced.

If in the mornings you are almost always depressed, your mood is unimportant every day and you don’t want to do anything, it makes sense to see a doctor - perhaps these are symptoms of depression, which happens not only in autumn, but also in spring.

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Support the body with vitamins

Spring - almost the most difficult time for the body. Stocks of vitamins and optimism obtained over the summer and the warm part of autumn are running out, and the new ones have not yet been brought up. It's time to support him.

In April, the first seasonal vegetables from the south of the country appear in the markets and in the store: cabbage, fresh ramson, spinach, radish, rhubarb, watercress, asparagus. Try to eat at least two servings of lettuce with green plants per day - it will saturate the body with vitamins of groups B, C, K, as well as a variety of anti-stress and immune elements that strengthen the immune system.

In the spring, there is also a great temptation to go on a diet: mass media and social networks only talk about “readiness for summer” and “beach body”. Do not give in to this pressure, eat in a comfortable mode for you. If you want to adjust the weight for better health, give up the sweet and white flour products - they not only lead to weight gain, but also cause jumps in blood sugar, and with it, mood swings. Do not deny yourself whole-grain bread with healthy cereals, buckwheat, pearl-barley and other whole grains - they give a feeling of satiety for a long time, protect against overeating and also contain important for immunity B vitamins and microelements. With tea instead of candy, you can start eating healthy mixtures of raw nuts and seeds. Also, indulge in olive oil - another important source of beneficial unsaturated fats.

It is important to note that sometimes even a complete and varied diet cannot provide the body with all the necessary elements to the full. In such cases (according to test results), a course of vitamin therapy may be prescribed.

Make sport a habit

Not in order to get into your favorite shorts, and not even for the summer shots in Instagram. And for your health, self-confidence, stress tolerance and happiness. Regular exercise improves blood flow, oxygenates blood, causes the body to produce more red blood cells - all together it strengthens the immune system. In addition, during workouts, hormones of happiness are produced - endorphins, therefore, after just a few weeks of regular exercise, it becomes easier to make sport a constant companion: the body wants to train because it wants to have fun.

Now that the light day is longer, it begins to get early and darker late, you can find time for a non-burdensome morning exercise or evening active walk. And again, all without violence against yourself: start small and move further in a comfortable rhythm for yourself.

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