How hopes, dreams and plans destroy us - and what to do about it
What is destroying us? Plans, hopes, beliefs, dreams are often empty. Let's start with plans.
Why is the plan good? The fact that if it has developed, then we are happy, endorphins are elegantly walking through the blood. Feeling as if we ate chocolate (or herring, for those who do not like chocolate). But it rarely develops. You learn a lesson, you learn, you get a C. He sang well, they said - not very well. Loud but out of tune. I thought your team would win, but they would lose. I thought there would be a fight for you at the university entrance. There was a fight, but not for you and not there, but just on the street. I thought you would study well - another fight would start between employers. And again past the checkout. I thought she would be as good in wives as she was before the wedding. Again, I guess wrong. Before the wedding it was better ... And so many, many times.
Does this mean you don't need to plan? Not. Does not mean. We humans cannot live without a plan. But when planning, we always work out (although, perhaps, not all, but chess players - for sure) a way out of a situation in which the plan did not work. And at the same time we ask ourselves all the time, are we not “burying ourselves too deeply” trying to realize it? Is there an option to reverse? Are we wasting too much energy and time in the process? Are we letting a lot of people down? These and other issues should certainly be considered when drawing up the plan and before starting to implement it.
One can think of hopes too. We always hope for the best. Everyone teaches us this from the cradle or even earlier: mom-dad, grandmother-grandfather, aunt-uncle, teacher-educators, smart books and classes to improve their own image, who, squinting, looks at us from the mirror, and the devil knows that thinks. Squinting, because he's trying to figure out who fooled whom. You - yourself, they - you, or everyone - each other, for collective fun with endorphins at the ready. We hope global warming stops and someone is investing billions in it. Someone, not the most stupid, who came up with all this, while earning the same billions (called the cycle of stupidity in nature). And the warming in many places is not getting warmer, since it does not care about our hopes, as well as plans, on the fly by the freezing Antarctic spit. Although in some places the ice still melts, although they say that it happens from time to time.
Next we go.
Beliefs. A very explosive topic, worse than sex. The topic is in the sense. With regard to faith and NOT faith, millions of believers have been put into the earth over the past many thousands of years, and alongside them - unbelievers. Believers - because they did not believe in what those who put them believed in. And, accordingly, non-believers - because they did not believe, or believed in the wrong, or not in those in whom they needed. This form, sharpened by multi-colored dill, continues to flourish today. Under the banner of faiths (different, it is true), some merrily go to death, others find their death, and still others perish, who have nothing to do with either the first or the second, and were simply there by chance, passing from Syktyvkar to Manila. I am afraid that this trend will continue for many millennia until all the humanoid survivors, having gathered together in the central glade, will not find answers to the main questions, namely: who invented this game and why? Who steers, pulls the strings, where are their bunkers, and why are they hiding there (even if the bunkers look like palaces), regardless of faith? After all, nothing fell on our heads, and who, after thinking well, appointed himself the governor of God on earth (anyone), registered in the books, and in this regard suggested to everyone in this regard to cook borscht regularly, bow low and wash his trousers on weekends.
On the subject: Рћ женских С‚СѓС „Р» СЏС ... РєР ° Рє РІР ° Р¶РЅРµР№С € ем СЌР »РµРјРµРЅС‚Рµ СЃС З Р ° стья: мужсвдйй
What is next in the list? Dreams.
Girls - about boys, boys - about women who will teach them everything before marriage, mothers - about children who should become successful and be happy, dads - about mothers (wives, in the sense) who understand them, they already accept and in all endeavors - support. Ha ha ha. Employers dream of workers for whom the prosperity of their business will become the main thing in their lives. And therefore they will be the first to come, the last to leave, eat on the run, go to the toilet quickly and frivolously, not take part in smoke breaks and work in the difficult conditions of the Far North, albeit for a small salary. Employees, on the other hand, dream that everything would be exactly the same, just the opposite.
The salary is high, the working conditions are wonderful, outside the window is warm and hibiscus blooms, the massage room works around the clock, the food is free, but excellent, the rest room with regular daytime sleep is mandatory for everyone, the benefits are breathtaking and treat them like gods. , or geniuses, as a last resort. They want them not to be fired for nonsense and not punished for the fact that he looked at a woman with a "lustful, instead of a communist-even" look. Therefore, as you know, the workplace is always a friendly atmosphere of universal love and respect. Once again ha ha ha ...
Thus, having come up with a world from childhood that we do not yet exist, we live in the existing one, which does not want to adapt to our delirium tremens, dreams, demands, desires, beliefs, and we get a felt hat or budenovka every day or more often.
In this regard, there are several options for the development of the script. The first one is to wake up and turn over ... To understand that the dream is over, and now there will be life, real, hard-hitting (since no one promised a pleasant road in the dunes, as well as that on the way they will feed), and in general such, as it is, despite our thoughts about her. Prepare to receive a crack and not be too surprised at the fact. And understand that this is the only way we learn (excluding those who do not learn in any way).
The second scenario is to hide your head deeper in the sand, like an ostrich, and hope that the tiger will pass by, thinking that you are a thicket of ostrich rose hips or pink marshmallow baobab. In our refraction - hoping that he will carry, or ... will bring ... The one who is needed will bring what is urgently needed, and it is for you and right now.
We won’t laugh.
On the subject: How to say goodbye to the past and give up impossible promises
And the third - to understand that whatever you say, there will be life, with all the colors and thorns going in a set with them. Believe that you have to go through everything, including what you don't want to go through. But you still have to, no matter how you try to avoid troubles, failures, inconsistencies, misses, and misunderstandings.
Therefore, hello everyone from life, which rarely chooses favorites, and if it does, it gives them an urgent portion of desperate kicks with acceleration under the tail, first of all, before showering them with gingerbread and Oscars.
So - we travel through life. Hopefully. We believe. We wait. We dream. We get what has dropped out. We get up, wash, lick wounds, heal fractures, cover up abrasions on the soul and body, change into fresh clothes and move on, again hoping, believing, dreaming and waiting, regardless of anyone and no matter what.
I personally think so.
If you want to talk with me about it - go to my page in facebook.
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