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How to find love and understand whether it is your man: a man’s look

Alexander Litvin

researcher, pharmacist


Spring has begun, and many have the impression that life is passing by and spring is transient. In fact, just one moment is enough for us to be in the right place at the right time. This saying “Being in the right place at the right time” with girls does not always play a positive role.

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The fact is that if a girl or woman is on standby, she has a chance to find her. And if she is in the search mode, then the task here is openly masculine - it will be extremely difficult to find your prince.

Therefore, in April and in May, I recommend you, lovely girls, to be in a state of peace and serenity! Smile, be as defenseless and feminine as possible!

And remember one more important point: we all live under the sun, and the sun is the best spotlight for us. It doesn't matter where you are at work or play, don't consider men. You just need to face the light, then it will be easier to find you. You will like it! And in what place this happens, it no longer depends on you.

Our society, society has come up with many criteria for positive assessments of men. There are many literary images, the most famous is "The Prince on a White Horse", the second most popular is the hero of the story "Scarlet Sails". But at the same time, pay attention, "Prince on a white horse" is a person who is in a state of movement and search, that is, a man is looking for, and a woman is an object of search.

A woman just needs to accept that she is always the object of search, then it will be easier for her to see both the prince on a white horse and the sea captain.

How to understand: is your man or not? Intuitive people understand this instantly in just a few seconds. There is a certain change in consciousness that does not allow one to see the negative aspects of a person.

One more point: remember, if you can live without a person without remembering him, then this is not your person. Here, too, not without nuances. Pay attention, when a person is 17-18 years old, he lives according to the principle "here and now". His life is very short, it seems to him that 30 years is an incredible old age, and the issue needs to be addressed now, and society says, sometimes mom and girlfriends hint: “You are already 18 years old, and you do not have a boyfriend, this is bad, this wrong, because you have to get married at 22 and have a baby at 23 ”. And because of this haste, because of this desire to “be like everyone else,” people very often make strategic mistakes. They really follow the lead of society, and at the same time, unfortunately, they fail, because short-term decisions that do not take place out of inner conviction, but under pressure from outside, lead to mistakes.

But there is another option. When parents say to girls: you need to weigh everything, you need to see what family he is from, how he says, how he eats, how he sleeps, how he is sober, how drunk he is, what kind of education, what economic potential he has, what political potential and so on , and so on…

These factors lead a person away from emotions in the direction of mathematics, in the direction of logic, and logic is always secondary. Primary intuition and your personal emotions. It is very difficult for such girls to choose their man. While they are calculating the “pros and cons” the guy has already left, and only unrequited love remains and a tremendous tragedy ... Then, by virtue of this logic, the lady begins to live in the past, remembers and recalls, shovels the amount of her emotions, her words, her clothes, how she looked at that moment, that she said that she ate ... She remembers everything, remembers, remembers, and life goes away, and a person lives in the past, one can say that this person is trying to move back to front.

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If you have such a situation, if you are superlogical, you need to do the following: you need to select only three points for the study of your second half. Only three! Any! And if you put a plus on each of these fad, then you should voice your position to the young man: “I am interested in you”.

No man will reveal if he does not know that a woman is interested in him. It is very important to bring to the mind of a man. It is very important to convey to the consciousness of the man that he is the object of interest of the woman. Then its best features are revealed much faster. By the way, the worst are revealed much more quickly, and you will not lose your precious time.

Another important point: opposites attract! The choice is always based on the compensation of our shortcomings, that is, we choose a person who is not exactly the same as we are, he is more of our opposite, he has properties that we don’t have.

For example, a very beautiful girl from an intelligent family, always well-groomed, beautiful, with good diplomacy, and suddenly she has a totally opposite guy: a ruffian, impudent, who has not a very large vocabulary, he is rude, there is no question of diplomacy. And here they are together, and everyone says to her, well, you are “heaven and earth,” but this is harmony. This is precisely the union of people who have completely different types of energies, which together allow this unified system to move forward. Then boldness, diplomacy, good manners, and the ability to overcome roughness from the outside appear.

I understand that this is an extremely difficult job - to choose for yourself a person with whom it would be interesting to live your whole life. We are so arranged, we build long-term programs and it is interesting for us to see a dear face next to us as long as possible ... And in order for all this to work out, we, in spite of everything, must love as in the first minutes of communication. Love each other and then you will be happy!

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