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How cosmetics affect the skin of adolescents


Source: Fox News

Photo: depositphotos

For a modern American teenager, makeup is a matter of image that he carefully guards. And from the house without a full war coloring does not leave. But unfortunately, many of them do not understand that regular use and abuse of cosmetics brings them, besides beauty, skin problems, and additional health problems. He writes about it Fox news.

Let's look at the most common problems.

The most serious problem is acne. Brazilian scientists even conducted a study on this topic, which showed that 45% of women have skin diseases precisely because of the constant use of makeup products. 14% suffer from acne.
Many substances that are part of cosmetics, cause skin problems in adolescents, because they often use such cosmetics more intensely than adults.
In addition, peer pressure encourages them to cover any blemishes with even more makeup. In turn, this aggravates acne, creating a harmful cycle of skin damage that can take months or even years to recover.

The damaging effects of cosmetics
Today, adolescents use cosmetics actively, as never before. In a survey of an online cosmetics store, it was discovered that girls start using makeup regularly at the age of 11. This age has decreased from the 90 for several years, and health professionals are concerned about this trend.
Most of the cosmetics on the market does contain harmful chemicals. Researchers have linked these chemicals with various health problems due to the known or suspected effects on human hormones.
Adolescents, whose hormonal system is only developing, these chemicals can lead to disastrous consequences, such as infertility and even skin cancer. The relationship between the abuse of cosmetics and the occurrence of cancer has not yet been proven, such studies will take several years, but at the moment there are prerequisites to assert that it exists.
In addition, adolescents who use makeup often share their means with friends, unconsciously spreading harmful bacteria. This practice can lead to eye infections, common diseases, staphylococcus and herpes.
At the same time, bacteria themselves can multiply in cosmetics, thereby causing harm, even if not used. Makeup - especially liquid makeup like foundation, mascara, and lip gloss - provides a fertile breeding ground for bacteria. Users then add their own bacteria from their hands and faces, and cosmetics are transformed into a culprit for diseases or acne.

Photo: depositphotos

Preventing and combating harmful effects
Fortunately, many problems can be solved. Parents and teenagers, instead of daily applying harmful makeup on their faces, should limit its amount. You should also focus on proper skin care, helping her to be beautiful in a natural way.

When teens do put on makeup, they should take care to use water-based cosmetics and apply it with light touches and clean brushes. In addition, make-up with harmful ingredients such as parabens and phthalates should be avoided.
Finally, adolescents must follow skin care procedures, selecting the most suitable for their skin type. For oily skin, you should find a water-based cleanser and a light moisturizer.
For dry skin, you need to fix it in more moisture. For any skin type, choose products that are free from harmful chemicals.
Adolescents by definition deal with skin problems due to hormones, genetics and microbes. Adding cosmetics to this can lead to infections, acne and even more serious health problems. Instead of regular use of cosmetics, teens should focus on a healthy skin care procedure. In a few months, they will admire their beautiful, glowing skin and forget about cosmetics altogether.

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