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How to compensate a child for lack of fresh air during quarantine



What problems can arise in children who do not go out for a long time, and how can they be compensated for? tells the candidate of medical sciences, pediatrician, blogger and mother of two children Anna Levadnaya.

Photo: Shutterstock

Take Vitamin D

It would seem, obviously, that at home, in self-isolation, the child will certainly suffer from a lack of sun, especially on the lower floors or if the windows face north. I want to reassure you: everything is not so scary. The sun is not so useful: the oncogenic effect of direct sunlight on the child's body is proved. Doctors, in principle, do not recommend children to be in the sun without protective equipment, especially in spring and summer, when it is especially active.

Ultraviolet light, on the other hand, improves mood and helps the body produce vitamin D. But is there much sun in our middle lane in winter? Hardly. And even now, in April, walking along the streets, we will not receive an adequate dose of vitamin D. In any case, we need to take it additionally - in drops or tablets, so the home regimen does not change anything in this regard.

For individual dosage, consult your pediatrician online or by phone.

We air the apartment

Here, everything is more clear: the lack of fresh air affects both children and adults. How can we compensate for walks in an apartment?

The most important thing is the regular ventilation of the rooms. It is advisable to do this at least two to three times a day, and preferably more often. If the street is cold, then you can ventilate the premises in turn. Children need oxygen, and in a room with closed windows, the oxygen concentration drops rapidly, especially if people are constantly there.

Airing is also the prevention of viral infections. If you already have someone sick at home, then you need to air especially often.

On the subject: 10 easy and fun ways to keep children quarantined

Do the cleaning

In addition, it is recommended to do wet cleaning once or twice a day. It is better to put a humidifier in the nursery and alternate its work with ventilation. Humidified air provides good moisture to the mucous membranes, and this is an important protective factor when we talk about the susceptibility of the body to viral infections.

"Walking" on the balcony

If you have a balcony, then you can arrange it like a walk. We open the windows, put a dressed child there according to the weather. We give him toys - for example, a sandbox with kinetic sand. Never leave it alone and fix the windows so that the baby cannot open them wide.

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