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How to lose weight gained during pregnancy: weight loss program


Source: WikiHow

Weight gain during pregnancy is vital to the health of the baby and mother. However, losing excess fat can be a problem for many women, and many women can gain more weight than recommended. Losing weight gained during pregnancy, care must be taken to avoid complications during the recovery period.

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Fortunately, there are many safe ways to burn weight gained during pregnancy after the baby is born, which can be combined with caring for a newborn at a pace that would suit a young mother, writes WikiHow.

1 method. Define a realistic approach.

1. Consult a doctor

You can start a conversation about weight loss during the last prenatal appointments if you feel the need, but it is better to start a discussion of weight loss after the baby is born.

Follow the postpartum recommendations. They are very useful and will help your body recover. Recovery is the first step to achieving the body as it was before pregnancy.

Discuss weight loss at the first postpartum intake. This is usually between 4 and 6 weeks after delivery. You can decide whether you will lose weight yourself, or prefer the help of nutritionists and trainers. Your doctor will advise you on the most healthy ways to lose weight, taking into account your specific situation.

2. Set achievable goals

Trying to lose all weight in 6 weeks is an unhealthy achievable goal. You can weigh more than before pregnancy due to enlarged mammary glands, especially if you are breastfeeding, and an enlarged uterus. Returning the uterus to its normal size takes some time, and breastfeeding requires additional fat reserves.

Do not live near the scales. Using weights is a good way to track overall progress, but it can also be confusing for women when it comes to weight loss after pregnancy. The best method for assessing progress, first of all, is to measure the size of the waist with a centimeter tape.

If you notice that the size of your waist is gradually reduced, then most likely you are losing excess fat in one of the most vital areas - the trunk. You can also track how you are feeling. For example, if you lose weight, you feel much more energetic and become not so tired. These are clear signs that you are becoming healthier, and you should continue to do what you did before.

3. Write down your goals

After you have discussed weight loss with your doctor, write down your goals and their time frame. Checking your progress once a week or once every two weeks will help you stay focused. At the same time, do not constantly torment yourself with this problem.

Remember, checking progress every day can be misleading, because the body is constantly changing, given the fluctuations in fluid in the cells. This is a long-term progress that will help you understand if you are losing excess weight gained during pregnancy.

4. Drive at your own pace

Becoming a young mother, you get a lot of new responsibilities. You have to squeeze weight loss into this new schedule with difficulty. It’s best to move at a pace in which you feel comfortable rather than forcing yourself.

If the goals seem too aggressive, then you should reconsider the amount of time you devote to yourself.

5. Wear suitable and comfortable clothing.

Trying to squeeze into your old pants too soon can make you feel worse. Do not overdo it as well when putting on clothes that are too large: this will give the impression that you are bigger than you really are, and, in addition, it will be uncomfortable. Clothing that fits your size will put your body in a favorable light and will be the most comfortable.

6. Accept that you may have a different size

Pregnancy causes many changes in the body of a woman. For a long time, your pelvic and breast volumes may change. If you are concerned about this, talk with your doctor: he will talk about what changes are possible.

7. Discuss weight loss with other moms

Many women will share what they went through. When communicating with other mothers, you will not feel so alone. Many young mothers experience the same difficulties as you. Often they are not averse to working together to lose weight. Working in a couple or group is a great way to achieve your goal, because now you are not only responsible for yourself.

8. Do not follow a diet unless you have discussed this with your doctor.

It’s very important that you have a healthy diet with the right amount of calories after birth. Many diets do not allow enough calories or restrict certain food groups. This may lead to malnutrition and increase recovery time after giving birth.

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2 method. Develop healthy habits

1. If possible, breast-feed your baby.

Breast milk provides the best nutrition and nutrients for the baby, as well as benefits the nursing mother herself. Breastfeeding releases a hormone that helps the mother to relax and “makes it clear” to her uterus that it is time to return to normal size.

Many women feel the contractions of the uterus during breastfeeding, which are due to the reduction of the organ - this is normal.

Breastfeeding can burn from 600 to 800 calories per day. Doctors recommend that nursing mothers consume 500 extra calories per day. But you still spend more, so it will really lose weight due to breastfeeding alone, if you have gained only the recommended weight.

2. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Water is essential for hydration, especially if you are breastfeeding. You will need more water to improve milk production.

Also, water will help you feel full, so you won’t overeat. This will lead to weight loss and avoid excessive bloating.

You need to consume so much water that you don’t feel like drinking, your urine was completely clean, and you went to the toilet every few hours.

3. Sleep when possible, and try to sleep enough

It can be difficult for a young mother to find time to sleep, but a good rest positively affects overall health. This is important for your mental and physical health.

Lack of sleep can cause additional release of stress hormones, which stimulate weight gain. It also leads to exhaustion, which can lead to incorrect decisions when it comes to your health and the need to stay physically active.

You must aim for at least 7 hours of sleep every night, with at least one block in 3 hours of continuous sleep.

4. Control your stress level

Stress hormones, especially cortisol, contribute to weight gain. Try and take some time each day to relax.

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3 method. Eat the right foods and eat well.

1. Eat the way you want your baby to eat

When your child begins to eat solid foods, you will most likely offer him the most nutritious diet with lots of fruits and vegetables. This is a good time to reevaluate your diet in order to determine if you would feed your child what you eat. If not, then you most likely need to change your eating habits. This does not mean that you need to abandon everything. You can start by adjusting the main dishes so that they become more nutritious, balanced, etc.

2. Eat small meals throughout the day.

How you eat can be as important as what you eat. By eating small meals more often, you maintain optimal blood sugar and energy levels. This will provide a feeling of fullness and help not overeat at other times during the day. Good snacks include whole nuts, cheese and whole grain crackers, fruits and vegetables.

3. Eat the most nutritious and nutritious foods

Your body will need a lot after giving birth, and even more when breastfeeding. You should continue to take prenatal vitamins and eat foods full of nutrients. Extra calcium, healthy fatty acids, folic acid and protein will be required.

Eat fish, whole grains, drink milk, but avoid foods that are high in fat calories or low in healthy nutrients. Fruits and vegetables have a high fiber content, this will help to feel full longer, and will also help digestion.

The best way to make sure you're getting the most benefit is by eating each food group.

4. Eat if you are hungry and stop if you are full

Overeating, people confuse the biological function that tells the body when to stop eating.

The best way to eliminate this is only when you are hungry; eat slowly to give your body time to process the amount of food that has been ingested, and stop when your body begins to show signs of satiety. This method often works better than calorie counting, and many women notice that they lose weight with less effort.

The amount you eat will vary depending on the amount of energy consumed, so don't be surprised if you eat more on some days and less on others.

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4 method. Exercise When Your Body Is Ready

1. Avoid Excessive Abdominal Stress

The abdominal muscles are detached during pregnancy to make room for your baby. It can take a long time for these muscles to reconnect properly, and excessive swinging of the abs is likely to further exacerbate the separation of these muscles, causing a so-called "bag" in this area. Some exercises to restore abdominal muscle tone can be done shortly after childbirth: they involve relaxing and drawing in the abdomen, which can be done while sitting or standing.

2. Divide Exercises All Day

Sometimes it’s just not possible to train without a break all the recommended 30 minutes per day, but this time can be divided into smaller time periods. This will not only relieve stress from the need to devote so much time, but will also maintain energy and mental health levels throughout the day. Try doing 10 minutes of exercise at a time throughout the day. Each time span can focus on a different aspect, such as strength training or cardio training.

3. Train with your child

Walking with a baby in a stroller is a great way to start exercising. When you feel you are in a position, try taking a walk with the baby in a sling or carrier for extra weight resistance. You can also try yoga, stretching and dancing exercises that you can do with your child.
If you are not sure what to do with your child during fitness classes, check out local gyms and private sports clubs for groups for mom and baby.

4. Include strength and cardio training in your exercise program

Cardio training is good for both heart and weight loss. She will burn more calories and give you extra energy. Strength training will help maintain muscle shape, burn excess glycogen and keep the body in good shape. Strength training also has a long-term positive effect on metabolism.


Postpartum weight loss should be a gradual process. Any extreme diets or workouts should be avoided, as they may interrupt the recovery process after childbirth.

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