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How to use a fabric softener not for washing


Source: Rambler

Can't clean the wool from the carpet or wash the burnt baking sheet? Use these methods!

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Remove old wallpaper

To make the old wallpaper easier to tear off the wall, dilute the conditioner cap in a liter of water and apply the product with a sponge on the walls, suggests Rambler. Let the tool work for 20 minutes, and then just peel off the wallpaper. If the wallpaper is vinyl, try to first treat the surface with an iron brush, and then apply a conditioner solution with water.

Remove wool from the carpet

Dust and animal hair will accumulate less on the carpet if it is treated with air conditioning from time to time. Dissolve it with water in the proportion of 1: 1, and then spray the carpet from the spray bottle. Treat the carpet better in the evening, so as not to walk on it right away, but give it a good dry. The effect will last several weeks, and vacuuming will be much easier.

Remove hairspray

Quite a common problem: if you often use hair products in aerosol tubes, then over time, plaque accumulates on furniture and walls around the dressing table, which is difficult to wash. Mix the fabric softener in water (1: 2), sprinkle on the soiled surface and wipe with a dry, clean cloth.

Clear leather jacket

Dilute a little conditioner in water, apply to a cotton pad or cloth and wipe contaminated areas.

Scrub the scorched pans

Forget about brushes, iron sponges and broken nails. Instead, soak the dishes using air conditioning and warm water. Leave for about an hour or until the agent works.

Фото: Depositphotos

Wash the windshield

Mix the air conditioner with water in the ratio 1: 4, apply the product to a napkin and wash the glass. You can wash windows and houses with the same composition, and there will be no divorces!

Wash the wall tiles and doors

We always forget about them, cleaning, in the apartment, and in fact it is much more difficult to cope with old dirt. The conditioner will help in this case as well, simply wipe the dirty surfaces with a sponge with an air conditioner diluted with water.

Remove stains from the child seat

The child seat is probably one of the dirtiest places in the car. Do not forget to follow and maintain cleanliness, because bacteria can also accumulate on it. Well, if there is a stain on the car seat, it can be removed using an air conditioner, mixed with water and rubbed polluted areas well.

Wash the laminate

Dilute a small amount of conditioner in a bucket of water, soak the mop and wash the floors.

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