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How and why losing weight becomes a harbinger of divorce



News of Elena Stepanenko is rarely found on the Web, but over the past year, the 65-year-old comedian has been remembered more often than usual. At first - due to her dramatic weight loss, then - due to a divorce from her husband, 72-year-old Yevgeny Petrosyan. Do not you think that these are links of one chain? Us - yes. And our experts, too.

Photo: YouTube / Russia 1 screenshot

Elena Stepanenko and Yevgeny Petrosyan always seemed to the public to be such parrots, lovebirds, writes We worked together, rested together, and together, it seems, gained kilos. However, who would be worried about it: the extra weight fit perfectly into their variety roles and did not affect the fees in any way. Both the appearance and the marriage of humorists seemed constant, but in 2018, it became clear that this was not the case.

Rumors that things were not entirely smooth in Yevgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko’s relations were occasionally flashed through the pages of the press. Humorist repeatedly attributed romance with other women. In response to the gossip, the lovers just laughed and joked. In public and on screen, they appeared together and made an impression of a strong and happy couple. Against this background, all speculations of journalists about the discord in their marriage seemed ridiculous. The fans were sure that nothing could threaten this union, and even called it the strongest tandem in the show business.

However, the assumptions of the media were confirmed: the other day it became known that Elena Stepanenko filed a lawsuit in court regarding the division of property she had jointly acquired.

Shocked fans are actively discussing on the web the details of the divorce of comedians. Attentive fans noticed an interesting pattern: shortly before the breakup, Elena lost much weight and literally blossomed in her eyes. Many have suggested that the sudden transformation of Stepanenko is nothing more than an attempt to save a marriage. According to insiders, the fault of breaking the famous couple was Eugene's novel with a young assistant. Perhaps Elena took up her appearance in order not to yield to the rival in anything.

Others have put forward a version that the cause of the artist’s dramatic weight loss is stress due to marriage problems, which, it seems, began a long time ago, but were carefully hidden from the public.

Photo: YouTube Screenshot / Petrosyan Live

We remembered other examples from the life of stars, when the second halves left them after those extra pounds, and decided to find out if a partner’s weight loss can signal a speedy divorce and how these two phenomena are related to each other (coincidences are not accidental - you will find evidence in our photo gallery ). Especially for, a psychotherapist, weight correction specialist Sergey Oblozhko and a psychotherapist, a nutritionist, weight correction specialist Anna Chaikin from Dr. Bormental Weight Loss Center have carefully studied this issue and prepared expert comments.

As a rule, many people in a marriage noticeably recover. Sergey Oblobko is sure that the reason lies in the fact that we are sacrificing ourselves and our time in favor of our loved ones, so there is absolutely no time left for us to take on our appearance.

“Often, entering into relationships, people (especially women) tend to expand the boundaries of their own personality on a partner, and then on children, as if dissolving in other people. Gradually, less and less time is left on itself, and this inevitably affects the appearance. If she has a choice between herself and the one she loves, she chooses the one she loves. Little time for yourself - hello, overweight. If by nature a person has a tendency to overweight, it has to be controlled. When there is no time for yourself - the weight goes out of control, and as if by itself the side falls out of jeans. Often this alarming symptom passes unnoticed, ”the expert says.

Strangely enough, often the partner does not object, but on the contrary - positively perceives weight gain. “A good person should be a lot”, “a skinny cow is not a gazelle yet”, “a wife without priests like headsets without a handle” - quite often overweight holds together and stabilizes relationships: jealousy decreases, self-esteem decreases, ambition decreases and obesity progresses imperceptibly.

“But if one of the partners in the marriage suddenly begins to lose weight, it means one of two things: either everything is very good, or everything is very bad,” the therapist is sure.

Sergey Oblobko explains this by the fact that weight gain or loss directly reflects the problems that arise in a relationship.

Press photo of Yevgeny Petrosyan

“The fact is that marriage, like any system, can either be improved or destroyed. Cultivation is when both of them are equally trying for a relationship, teaming up against problems and gaining the experience of coping together through difficulties. Destruction is when she eats a sweet and gains weight as if to spite him, because she lacks love and tenderness, and he, seeing how she is gaining pounds, sincerely worrying about her, motivates her to lose weight in a truly masculine way begins to defiantly glance at other women, ”explains the expert.

In addition, the specialist believes that many people lose weight to attract the attention of a partner and try to breathe life into relationships.

“Often, an attempt to lose weight and change for the better suggests that a person does not agree with the current situation and wants change. As a rule, this is a sure sign that "a storm will break out soon." In my experience, people do not come to lose weight with a willing desire to divorce and after a divorce look great. Often, an active weight loss is an attempt to save a relationship, give them another chance, make a novelty or return a long-forgotten one. Sometimes this medication for relationships works, but when relationships are doomed, it only aggravates the contradictions and speeds up the divorce, ”the doctor said.

According to the expert, any relationship goes through crises - these are inevitable stages. Active weight loss is often a sure sign that relationships are approaching the abyss and either collapse or come out renewed and strong.

Anna Chaykina believes that people lose weight before a divorce on the basis of nerves. “A person begins to lose weight in a state of anxiety and fear for his future. Any separation is a huge stress, ”she explains.


As the expert argues, the centers of emotions are located next to the hypothalamus, and it is there that the nuclei of hunger and saturation are located. When you experience problems in a relationship, the level of anxiety increases, an increased release of adrenaline and norepinephrine occurs in the body, which significantly dulls the feeling of hunger.

“Often women start losing weight and looking after themselves when they think about a divorce so that, left alone, be sexually attractive to other men,” says a nutritionist.

However, it happens that no one seemed to think about divorce, but the partner began to lose weight and it came apart. Anna Chaikina explains it this way: “Losing weight is associated with a mass of changes and always social. If partners are connected only by food, then at the moment of losing weight, all the problems and horrors of coexistence come out. They stop spending time in restaurants, overeat in the evenings in front of TVs ... and more people did not connect anything. ”

Anna Chaikina also reminded us that quite often a woman is losing weight and does not understand why her man is not happy. The whole environment admires, and it annoys him. This situation can be a catalyst for divorce, because at such moments a woman begins to think about who she lives with and who she spends her best years on.

Anyway, relationship problems affect weight. Some people in a state of stress are rapidly gaining pounds, others - lose weight dramatically. Divorce - a serious test for the body, the trace of which remains on our figure.

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