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How to find love this summer and be happy. Male look

Alexander Litvin

researcher, pharmacist


In the summertime, wherever we are, our ability to contact is always higher than in winter. There are many reasons for this, but first of all this is due to the fact that our criticality towards ourselves and other people is reduced.

A reduced criticality for various reasons. In June, the law of preservation of civilization prevails. Physiology prevails over the mind. Under the influence of the summer sun, we overestimate our capabilities, and even the most modest person or just an introvert becomes contact and sometimes even carefree.

The primacy of physiology is governed by nature, a powerful stream of solar energy is a catalyst for hormonal changes in our body, and at the same time intuition and the level of strategic thinking are sharply reduced. For example, in June, few people think about how he will raise his own children. How he will provide them financially, what kind of education they will receive, whether he can support his family at a sufficiently high economic and social level. The June dating can be viewed as a kind of unconscious, uncontrollable reaction, if you will, of a pickup truck that does not have the goal of reaching a long-term cooperation, but providing an increase in the number of human population. Decrease or increase in criticality in the summer months are also associated with movement along geographic latitude.

Summer is a time of vacations, a time of active short-term migration processes. When moving to northern latitudes from the place of birth, the criticality increases, and to southern latitudes, it decreases. It is no coincidence that a huge number of resort novels appear, which are even reflected in the cinema.

My favorite film, “Love and Doves” clearly demonstrated this. Upon returning to his native hearth, the parameters return to normal, but, unfortunately, it is only in the movies that there is a happy ending. Not all families can be saved.

June is replaced by July, and it is not less difficult period. The problem here is that we are getting younger, just a month later.

Infantilism, uncharacteristic at other times of the year, may take us by surprise. This is especially true of people who have not played enough in childhood. It would seem that solid, experienced people suddenly begin to do some ridiculous nonsense. In one way or another, we all become younger and more curious, and suddenly forgotten words appear in our heads: “Look how I can!”.

Friendship, starting in this period, can develop into a long-term stable and very comfortable relationship.

The summer that we have been waiting for is still coming to an end, and August will more or less put everything in its place. There comes a good, emotionally smooth period, but there is no analytics yet, there is just a real high-grade rest. The contacts in August, above all, are of a business nature and the partnership that arose during this time cannot be regarded as an exclusively soul impulse.

The deeply conspiratorial benefit of partnership is what might interest us at this time of year. Since partnership is a system of mutual concessions, August is not the worst month to meet. I can not help but mention September - as the time summing up the summer. Rose-colored glasses disappear instantly, and an understandable person appears in front of us. For some, your second half will turn out to be even better than it was in June, July and August, and someone will be overtaken by the strongest disappointment.

So the proverb, “they count chickens in the fall,” is quite suitable for human relations.

If we talk about the time and date of the weddings, then it can not be considered just a formality. These are not just numbers, they are specific characteristics that influence the dynamics of relationships. Timeliness, of course, is determined individually, but still we do not go skiing in the summer, and do not sunbathe in the snow in the winter. However, to celebrate held comfortably, it is better to shift them to the end of July and August.

I was bombarded with questions, how will the relationship of the newly-royal family — Prince Harry and Megan Markle — develop and when will they have a heir? This is a very interesting pair. The union between a real man and a real woman. Prince Harry does not play brutality, it is his innate state. I don’t notice the difference in age because the princess is clearly younger than her passport data in her perception of the world. In terms of energy, she reminds me of Mary Poppins, a caring and cheerful sorceress, always ready for the game. This couple is expected to travel, but the husband is attracted by the east, and the wife is attracted by the west. But I believe that they will agree. Regarding the heirs, I can only say at the personal request of this wonderful couple.

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In which summer month is it best to conceive a child?

In each case, there are specific favorable and unfavorable periods. These periods can be determined by the birth dates of parents and grandparents and their parents. The question is very serious, and I recommend everyone to study their own genealogy. This is the most correct story that each of us should know first and foremost, and then we need the history of the ancient world and other stories.

Who will be (what professions will choose) children born this summer? What character will they have? Will parents be easy with them or not?

Since the characteristics we receive on a particular day of birth, even the weather, which will be on the baby's birthday, will matter. There will not be the same children, but still one feature is present in all children born in 2018. These children will respect and care for the elderly.

Where is the best place to fly in the summer? What directions to choose?

In the summer of 2018, as always, I advise everyone to be closer to the water, no matter if it is a sea or a river. The most favorable direction in relation to Russia is the south-western direction, with the exception of areas with potential volcanic activity.

The most unfavorable direction are the countries in whose territory there are deserts and semi-deserts, including Egypt. Natural disasters, above all, will be associated with increased seismicity.

Try NOT to buy tickets for planes that fly from 11 to 13 hours. We have not evolved enough for this type of transport. During flights, refuse alcoholic beverages. At an altitude of 10 of thousands of meters, alcohol, especially strong, can cause twilight stupefaction, when a small dose can lead to sad consequences, which we often find out from the media, occasionally telling us about conflicts aboard liners. During the holidays, you should refuse to visit the underground structures, grottoes, caves and other, even sacred or religious places.

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