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How Skinny Jeans May Harm


Source: Clever

Skinny skinny jeans are one of the most fashionable clothing designs of the last decade. They perfectly emphasize the natural harmony, focus on the natural curves of the female figure. Fashion fans love skinny jeans. However, scientists and doctors do not share their enthusiasm, writes "Smart".

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Don’t wear girls fashionable skinny jeans!

Gynecologists are the first to oppose ultra-narrow jeans. Too tight trousers violate the thermoregulation of the genitals. Skinny winter jeans with a small pile on the wrong side are especially harmful. Closely fitting to the body, they increase the temperature of the external genitalia. This leads to the appearance of thrush, cystitis and other female diseases.

Skinny jeans also affect men. In their case, we have to talk about such a thing as "thermal castration". Tight pants lift and press the testicles to the pelvis. Overheating occurs. Part of the sperm slows down, part - dies.

If paternity is not included in a man’s immediate plans, he may continue to wear skinny jeans. Otherwise, reproductologists recommend replacing narrow pants with looser ones. In the arsenal of mods now there are plenty of such.

Take care of the joints!

Poor skinny affect not only the genitals and reproductive abilities of both sexes. They also disrupt the joints. How this happens, explained the neurologists of the Australian Royal Hospital Adelaide Carmen Wye, Philip Douglas Thompson and Thomas Edmund Kimber.

According to experts, skinny skinny jeans can cause bilateral neuropathy of the peroneal and tibial nerves. They extend from the pelvis to the hips, legs, and ankle. A person who constantly wears a skinny provokes compression of the pelvic bones and infringement of these nerves.

On the subject: 6 places where you should not appear in jeans, even in America

The result of this negative effect is permanent pain in the hips and legs, numbness in the ankles, swelling and other problems with the legs. In the advanced version, neuropathy can lead to paralysis of the small muscles of the foot and a violation of the sensitivity of this area.

These insidious dyes

Another problem is that many modern manufacturers dye their clothes poorly. The paint sheds more than one wash from it. In the heat, when a person sweats especially intensely, stains from faded paint remain on the skin. This effect is probably observed by many lovers of fashionable things.

The skinny problem is that the close fit of the fabric "delivers" the chemical compounds of the dye directly to the most delicate parts of the body. Paint from jeans gets on the mucous membrane, mixes with the natural secretions of the genitals, leads to the appearance of an allergic rash, dermatitis.

Leg pains, rashes on the genitals, thrush, cystitis and loss of childbearing function in the long term - this is an incomplete list of problems that regular wearing of skinny skinny jeans can lead to. Whether the dubious beauty is worth such a high price is a million-dollar question for active followers of fashion trends.

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