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How to lose weight quickly after 40 years: nutritionists have discovered the secrets of burning fat


Source: VoiceUA

Get rid of extra pounds really at any time and at any age. Everything is possible, if you really want.

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According to nutritionists, the metabolic rate begins to fall from about 25 years. By 40 years, it slows down so much that weight gain becomes very noticeable. Reports about it VoiceUA.

It is more difficult for women to resist obesity. With age, the ovaries no longer produce the sex hormones estrogen and the body begins to receive them from the fat cells that are stored for future use. Low levels of progesterone cause water retention in the body, and this is the inevitable swelling.

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There is also a loss of testosterone, and this is manifested in a sharp decrease in muscle mass. It is the muscles that are responsible for burning fat. And the smaller they become, the more fat is deposited on the sides and abdomen.

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In men, after 40, muscle mass also decreases. Fat accumulates mainly in the upper body and around the internal organs. The production of the hormone insulin increases. This makes the skeleton wider and more massive.

Doctors advise to do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and donate blood. Disorders of the endocrine system reduce the metabolic rate. Also important indicator of iron stores in the body. It is not superfluous to check the condition of the liver and pancreas.

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Nutritionists recommend that you eat often, but little by little - this rule works.

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You also need to eat in writing two full vegetable dishes per day. The proportion of vegetable proteins should reach 40 percent. You can find these proteins in legumes, nuts, leafy greens, avocados, dates, buckwheat.

The daily amount of sugar should be 6 teaspoons, taking into account the products in which it is contained. The norm of salt is about a teaspoon.

Cut off alcohol for a while and drink clean water. It's not even that he's high in calories. After one or two glasses of wine, the process of losing weight stops for 3-4 days - until the liver removes the decay products.

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