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Ivanka Trump showed how to celebrate the Jewish New Year. A PHOTO


Source: The Daily Mail

Ivanka Trump wished her 4,4 to millions of followers on Instagram a happy Jewish New Year by posting cute pictures of her family picking apples during the rain. Her father, the president of the United States, also congratulated the Jewish people on the holiday.


36-year-old daughter of the US President spent a special day in the apple orchard with her family and congratulated the Hebrew subscribers, writes The Daily Mail. In the photo, a mother of three children embraces the two-year-old son of Theodore James, who is trying to pick an apple from a tree. Both adults, Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, are wearing rain jackets and smiling at the camera.

Ivanka signed the pictures as follows: “Happy New Year to Jewish people all over the world. Shana tova u'metuka! #RoshHashanah. "

Her message is translated from Hebrew as "Good and sweet year."


Donald and Melania Trump also shared their warm wishes with the Jewish community in a publication made by the president on Sunday (recall that the celebration continues from September 9 to September 11).

“Melania and I wish all Jewish people Shana Tov and send our warmest congratulations to those who celebrate Rosh Hashanah and the beginning of the Holy Days,” he said in a statement.

Photo: Donald Trump / Twitter

“Today we reflect on the importance of religious freedom and ask God to bless Jewish families both in the United States and around the world. The Jewish people survived and overcame inconceivable persecution and suffering. Despite the challenges they face, their strength and perseverance continue to inspire us all. ”

“Melania and I pray that the Holy Days will be filled with God's peace, love and mercy. We wish a blessed and happy New Year to everyone who lives on Rosh Hashanah, ”the president added.


Jared and Ivanka, 37, are senior advisers to the president who have not previously worked in government structures. Jared Kushner was raised in an Orthodox Jewish family, and Ivanka converted to Judaism before marrying him in 2009. They bring up children according to Orthodox Jewish traditions.

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