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The love story of a couple who lived together 47 for years touched the social network


Source: Huffington Post

The pictures of this happy couple, who lived 47 for years, instantly scattered across the Internet and deeply touched social media users, writes Huffington Post.

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It's not so much a photo, as in the love story and life of 70-year-old Marvin Brewington and his 67-year-old spouse Wanda from Raleigh, North Carolina. The pictures were posted on the wedding photographer Amber Robinson's Instagram, and immediately attracted the attention of more 7000 people.

As Amber herself admits, sharing their happy wedding days with people, she cannot help but think about what will happen in the days, weeks, months and years after the wedding. "Today I want to show you what years together will look like when true love exists." The Bruingtons are Amber's parents. They lived together for 47 years, defeated cancer twice, raised two successful daughters. “For me they are a reminder that a wedding is one day, but marriage is forever,” the photographer wrote.

Her parents met in 1968 in college - her father was a football star and conqueror of girls' hearts, and her mother was a very shy girl, whom he nevertheless paid attention to. He proposed many times before she agreed. He didn't have a car and walked 150 miles to Wanda's house to meet her parents. In marriage, the couple had no children for 10 years, but then two daughters were born. The family was faced with a difficult financial situation, for example, during one summer they all ate only potatoes and corn with their children.

During the photo shoot, the daughter asked her parents to “whisper the name of their favorite cake in their most daring voice” or “when I count to three, shout the bad word as loud as possible.” And she also asked my mother to tell her father why she was proud of him. No one thought the pictures would make such an impression, but this story became so popular that the hashtag #relationshipgoals even appeared in her honor: many social network users admitted that they would like to build the same relationship with their loved one.

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