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16 / 8 interval fasting: a nutritionist spoke about the benefits and dangers of the method


Source: Home

Fashion trends are now even in dietetics. One of the latest trends is interval fasting. The nutritionist explains what it is, how it affects the body and whether it is really possible to lose weight with such a diet.

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Consultant Home Hearth became Anna Ivashkevich, nutritionist, clinical psychologist and nutritionist, member of the Union of the National Association of Clinical Nutrition.

So what is 16 / 8 interval fasting? Such a nutrition system implies that you fully eat during the day, for 8 hours, and then exactly 16 hours refrain from eating. As a rule, such a system is recommended to adhere to every day or every other day.

Why are you starving?

In the modern world, a person consumes much more energy than he spends. Most often in youth this does not affect the well-being and figure too much, but with age, the consequences of overeating (especially with an immovable lifestyle) become more noticeable - overweight, problems with blood vessels, an increased risk of type 2 diabetes ...

Learning about the benefits of fractional nutrition, many begin to often and uncontrollably snack during the day. But you need to understand that even coffee with milk, from the point of view of nutrition, is no longer a drink, but food. If at the same time you are not moving too actively, energy is not consumed, and carbohydrates begin to turn into fat. After each snack, blood sugar rises, followed by a jump in insulin, and we all continue to eat ...

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The process goes in the opposite direction when we are not eating. The level of insulin drops, giving signals to the body to start burning stored energy, since it no longer comes from food. Blood glucose drops, so the body must now remove glucose from storage in order to burn it for energy.

16 / 8 diet - includes daily fasting for 16 hours. It is sometimes called the “food 8-hour window”. You eat for 8 hours and do not eat in the remaining 16 hours.

For example, you allow yourself to eat from 9 in the morning until 17.00 in the evening / or from 11 in the morning and until 21.00 in the evening.

What can you drink in 16 hours of hunger?

  • Be sure to water. You can add a little lemon or mint
  • Decoctions of herbs
  • Broths, but cooked on the bone. Broth only, no vegetables / cereals / meat

Who should not starve?

  • Pregnant
  • For Children
  • Nursing mothers
  • Those who have a BMI less than 18,5
  • In diseases: gout, diabetes mellitus, peptic ulcer, hyperacid gastritis, increased reversible T3.

In any case, before starting a new diet, consult your doctor.

What can you eat?

At the permitted time, you can eat poultry, fish, seafood, lean meat, cereals (for example, rice, quinois, amaranth).

In these 8 hours you should have 2-3 meals, they should all be full, do not limit yourself to carbohydrates, proteins, fats. But! Do not overeat and try not to overeat at one meal. Everything should be in moderation!

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If you don’t eat for so long, will your metabolism slow down?

It is impossible to slow down the metabolism with the help of interval fasting. You just consume less food and you have purely mechanically less calories due to the fact that energy is usually spent on digesting food, but you don’t. Because of this, your energy costs are correspondingly less.

Your weight is added if you do not fit into your daily calorie intake. Even if you transfer cucumbers, it can affect your figure, and you can get better. I repeat, a measure is needed in everything. And even on such a diet, one should not eat everything starchy in the time allowed by 8 in the hope that everything will go away for the rest of the fasting.

16 / 8 Interval Fasting - Results

Firstly, fasting works well if you have problems with insulin or satiety, that is, when after a full meal you do not feel full.

Secondly, if before you overeat at night, then with intermittent fasting, sleep will improve.

Thirdly, you can lose weight, reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, become more energetic and cheerful.

The material is published for educational purposes and is not a medical recommendation. ForumDaily Woman is not responsible for the consequences of self-medication and may not share the views of the author or expert.

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