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Immigration is an endurance test: how and why I was brought to America

Sergey Evelev

writer, TV and radio host


“How did you get to America?” I am often asked.

Photo: Shutterstock

Jokingly, I answer: "Everyone drove and I went." But seriously, perhaps one day the moment came when it seemed to me that events were brewing in the country of the Union of Socialism that could turn everything upside down. I do not pretend to be a seer. But I guessed it by chance.

Many of my adventurous friends stayed and went very uphill after 1991. Of all, only two managed to survive. The rest - you know where.

Immigration is an exam. Endurance test. And where you are coming from and where, sIt doesn't really matter here. This is probably not even so much a reluctance to stay where you live as a predisposition to adventure (immigration is an adventure), a willingness to adventure, a desire to test yourself for a fortress, and more, and more, and more.

On the subject: Immigration and first steps: how to survive after moving to a new country

I know a lot of people who did not go and regret it. Many - who regret it, but will not say out loud, so as not to hurt themselves and not make themselves look like a fool. But I know a lot of those who feel great in immigration, like a fish in water. There are those who could not live here, abroad. These are people who are inflexible (in a bad sense), not ready to change everything in life: place, culture, language, habits, foundations. And in any new country, you begin, as after a dozen surgeries on the limbs, to learn to walk again. He seemed to be able, walked, and did not even think about it. And here, here, you have to ... think about every step.

If I sometimes think about it, then I understand that now, probably, I would not have enough strength for immigration. All the more incredible is the feat of those who upon arrival were already deeply over sixty, seventy and even eighty. If it was hard for us, relatively young, imagine how unbearably scary and sad they were. Live, learn the language, figure out what, how and where. Look for new friends in a foreign country, leaving everything and everyone with whom you lived at home. For one willingness to break ties with their homeland and leave it at such a respectable age, they would have to be given a medal “For Courage” and a life pension in the country of arrival.

But that's not what I mean. I mean that each of us chooses his own destiny. And even if sometimes it seems that we are being led, guardian angels, providence, fate, someone else ... Anyway, the last decision has to be made personally by each of us. And this decision is very often difficult, requiring a willingness to jump ... into the unknown and take on the whole burden of responsibility for what has been done. And undone too.

On the subject: Why do people seek a better life in another country and to whom immigration is contraindicated

Summary. If you stay too long, stale or ... stagnant. If you are bored, sad, itching, and the back requires adventure, but getting married, getting married, roller coasters, riding backwards in the opposite lane, and swimming naked in the ice in winter are no longer pleasing ... Then you can try immigration. It's not boring, for sure. And since today (well, not today ... tomorrow, when the madhouse with covid dies down), the countries are open for entry and exit ... If it does not seem that the new place has not enough stressful adventures, you can return home ... And exhale ... before inhaling again and think about what, in the end, to entertain yourself?

I personally think so.

If you want to talk with me about it - go to my page in facebook.

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