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Gyulchatay forever: because of what the star of the film "White Sun of the Desert" ruined acting talent


Source: Culturology

Very rarely, actors gain national recognition after one role, moreover, an episodic one. Even less often, after a resounding success, they leave the profession. Tatyana Kuzmina, known for her only role as Gulchatay in the film "White Sun of the Desert", at one time deliberately and voluntarily left the cinema. Her choice seemed strange and unmotivated to many, but she herself never regretted her decision and believes that she sacrificed false values ​​for the sake of true ones.

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Tatyana Fedotova was born into a large family in the village of Samsha, Tver region. When she was 4 months old, they moved to Leningrad. Tatiana was sent to a boarding school, where she studied in a dance circle, and then she was admitted to the Leningrad Choreographic School named after I. Vaganova. The girl did not dream of becoming a ballerina, she often skipped classes and felt like an ugly duckling in school, writes Culturology.

When the younger wife of Abdullah Gulchatay showed her face, it was impossible not to remember her - the audience immediately turned their attention to an actress with a very bright and attractive appearance. She immediately got thousands of fans, but they all waited in vain for her new appearances on the screen. Tatyana Kuzmina (in the credits of the White Sun of the Desert - Tatyana Fedotova) did not continue her acting career.

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The role of Gulchatay became her finest hour, her first and last film work. In fact, in this role, the audience should have seen another actress - a student of the Moscow circus school Tatyana Denisova, but because of the exams, she left the filming 4 months later. It was necessary to find a replacement for her very quickly, and the director's assistants found 16-year-old Tatyana Fedotova right on the street: “The assistants ran through schools and institutes of the northern capital trying to find a girl who would fit into the already created image. And such a treasure was found in the Vaganova Choreographic School (now the Academy of Russian Ballet) and, surprisingly, the new Gulchatay was also called Tanya. Having passed the exams at the school, Tatyana Fedotova went to the shooting. It was she who was destined to become the people's favorite ... "

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With her future husband, composer Gennady Kuzmin, Tatyana Fedotova met in Lenconcert, where she worked in a dance ensemble after graduating from a choreographic school. At that time, Kuzmin was married, and the relationship of the actress with an unfree man was discussed at all meetings of local and party committees. They worked together, toured together and eventually decided to get married. Since then, Tatyana Kuzmina sees her main purpose in being a good wife and mother.

Video frame YouTube / Cinema Concern "Mosfilm"

She came to religion in 1994. According to her, it happened by itself - there were no strong shocks or terrible tragedies before that. Now she is sure: God saved her from becoming an actress: “Something bad could have happened. The fates of the stars are very tragic. I would not want to have the same ... Everything is from the devil. He uses both beauty and talent. Uses and perverts ... "

The former actress became a member of the "Source of Life" Christian Church, which many Orthodox priests call a destructive sect, so Tatiana shocked her fans.

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Already retired, Tatiana worked as a cleaner at the Russian Museum for 4 years, but she is not ashamed of it. When journalists ask her questions about whether she regrets the lost chances in cinema, Tatiana replies: “The Lord saved me from this glory that kills the human soul ... People rejoice and have fun, see how beautiful the actors are. But how quickly they fade! There was beauty - and there is none, there was glory - and nothing of it remained. People raise a person, and then they lower him, and he becomes lonely. "

Photo: video frame YouTube / Andrey Dolganov

Now she is sure that fame, beauty, and wealth are transitory blessings, and it is impossible to find happiness in them. Tatyana Kuzmina says that her calling is to be a wife, and she has never regretted her choice. The former actress does not watch TV or read newspapers. She does not agree with the fact that she ruined her talent - on the contrary, she believes that she followed the fate predetermined from above.

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