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Breast for a day and other strange operations


Source: Woman Rambler

Plastic surgery today is a procedure that can hardly be surprised. Changing the shape of the chest or nose, removing excess fat is done almost as often as removing teeth.

Edition Woman Rambler collected the most unusual and strange plastic surgery, which is now in demand.

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Breast augmentation per day

The opportunity to become the owner of magnificent forms for just a day is now quite real. Instead of implants and other silicone, the doctor simply injected Ringer's physiological solution (a mixture of water, lactic acid and electrolytes) into the chest, which increases it by two sizes. Exactly a day later, the bust will regain its former shape. The operation lasts about 30 minutes.

Implantation of hair in eyebrows and eyelashes

If you are tired of painting every day or doing eyelash extensions, you can solve the problem radically. Surgeons suggest that you take hair from the lower back of your head and implant it into your eyebrows and eyelashes. This operation is painful.


Dimple ectomy or "dimple cutting". This operation is for those who do not have dimples, but have always dreamed about them. The surgeon works from the inside of the cheek: at the intended location, he makes an incision and removes a small part of the fat layer, and then stitches the fabric layers with several stitches. But you need to understand that there is no way back - to remove the dimples after their formation is impossible. Therefore, as before any other interventions, you need to think very well.


Umbiikoplasty - plastic surgery for the correction of the navel, which can eliminate almost any of its defects, the only effective way to change the size, shape or general appearance of this part of the body. Surgeons are ready to offer even such a service as changing the shape of the navel.

Voice plastic

Until recently, operations on the vocal cords were performed exclusively for medical reasons (for example, for laryngeal tumors) or as part of a sex change. Now the timbre of a voice can be made lower or higher by anyone. To lower the timbre surgeons prick Botox in the vocal cords and excise part of the cartilage in the larynx. To increase the voice, the ligaments are shortened with a laser or an implant is placed in the larynx.

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